Bath Time

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".. He wants me there but it's a step in the right direction. We both need to be able to take care of him." Pepper was explaining Peter's request that morning. Tony leaned against the kitchen counter.

"He may say he wants it, but we need to make sure he is ready and not doing because he thinks that's what we want. Speaking of what we want, I got a call from the courthouse today. I think the judge is trying to draw this out as long as possible. Everyone still believes he'd be better off with the Parker's. Which I can't deny. But this isn't about me, it's about Peter and where he feels most comfortable..." He tossed the papers onto the counter, clearly frustrated.
"Well, they're all for his comfort as much as we are Tony. As much as you hate to admit, the law system isn't out to get you. Everyone here is fighting for Peter, the judge just needs to make an informed decision based on all the information both sides are bringing to the table. At least May herself is fighting on our side. That's got to account for something right?" Pepper tried her best to comfort Tony, but what she said only seemed to annoy him more.

"The best interest for Peter? You heard the States arguments. They just don't want to admit they failed another kid once again. Since when did Bruce even become an issue, just because he spends time around Peter once in a while does not mean I'm endangering Peter's life. At least I know where he is at all hours of the day and can monitor what he's doing." He crossed his arms over his chest.

Pepper had to admit, Tony did have a point. The foster system had failed Peter and already, Tony was doing a much better job than even she'd expected. In all honesty, she was a little baffled it was taking this long to settle everything down. But in the end she knew no matter what the judge actually felt, it would end in a bribe on Tony's part. It always did in the games Tony played and she didn't expect that he'd mind parting with a few million dollars for Peter's sake.

"Okay.. Well forget about that stuff. We still need to worry about more important things. Education, schedule... He needs structure Tony, every kid does. What about the fact that he's a billionaires kid? Do we keep it hush hush? The court case is already drawing media attention and they don't even know what it's about yet. Tony. Are you even listening?" Pepper snapped, noticing the man had turned around, no longer facing her.

"Yes I'm paying attention. And I'm not the person to answer those questions." He stated simply.
"Why not?" She asked annoyed. Was he really going to play off Peter like one of his other responsibilities?
"Because I spend long hours drinking my sorrows away and when I'm not doing that I suffer through nightmares and buy cool things to hide my pain. Is that what you want Peter to look forward to when he becomes an adult?" He asked flatly.

Peter had been waiting for half an hour in the bathroom. He sat on the toilet, the lid down over the seat so he wouldn't fall in. Mum had promised she'd be right back and told him to choose a towel from the pile before she'd left. He'd done as he'd been told, he really had. But he'd gotten bored and knew that Mum and Daddy were having grown up talk downstairs.

'I'll just get it started. That way Daddy has less work for the first day of bath time.' Peter thought happily, sliding down from the toilet and plugging the bath like he'd seen been done repeatedly before. His little hands found the tap and he turned curiously, feeling the water.
'I forgot the soap!' He hurriedly shut the bath off and turned, opening the cupboard under the sink curiously. Peter stared blankly at the bottles, trying to find the one he'd seen be poured into his bath repeatedly but not seeing it. Then his eye caught something else.
"What..." He pulled the box to him curiously, forgetting the soap and reaching into the box eagerly. This was definitely new for him. Were they candy? Balloons? He brought one of the packaged objects to his face to get a closer look.
Just then the door opened, but Peter couldn't bring his eyes up from his discovery.

"Peter...?" Pepper's face went slightly white when she saw the water in the tub and she searched the room for the boy, only to find him sitting.... With a box of condoms in his lap.
"Tony! I thought I asked you to take those to a cupboard Peter couldn't reach!" She gasped. Tony tripped over the pile of Peter's clothes in the centre of the floor, balancing himself with the counter and reaching down for the condoms.

"I didn't know there was a box in here. I keep them in weird places!" He defended himself as he snatched the box from the curious kid. Pepper sighed.
"Just bathe him, Tony. Please." She pointed to the water and Tony placed the box on the counter, embarrassedly bringing Peter to the bath. As Pepper popped out to hide the box, Tony sighed.

"You got me in a lot of trouble, kid. I hope you're happy." He shook his head down at Peter, who was splashing happily in the bath. Peter looked up at him.
"What were those?" He asked innocently.
"Uh, nothing. They're a surprise safety tool that will help you later in life. Don't worry about it until then. Now, where's that soap...?"

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