Happy Birthday Peter!

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This was the holiday Tony Stark had most been looking forward to all year. Sure, Christmas had been fun, seeing Peter's face light up as he opened colourful parcel after colourful parcel. Halloween had been cool, despite the small incident that had occured and Easter was definitely a delight.

But there was no better day, in Tony's opinion, then a day dedicated to the birth of his son. He even had the whole day planned out. Nothing was going to go wrong, and if it did, he'd work it out because he had to. He'd do anything for Peter.

Even wake up at 6 in the morning so they could drive across town to visit Peter's parents graves. It had been Pepper's idea, to take him back there and even though Peter didn't fully understand, Tony could tell he was somewhat grateful to them for allowing him to come here.

An hour later, they sat in a booth at some diner, May, Ben and their baby son across from them.

"He's grown so much!" May had exclaimed when she'd seen her nephew again. Peter had even been bold enough to ask to hold his new cousin, who already seemed to be bonding with the older boy. Tony wasn't surprised, Peter was a gentle kid.

After breakfast, Tony and Pepper picked up MJ and Ned, then headed to the arcade.

"I can't believe you're 6 years old!" Ned squealed and Peter puffed his chest out, slightly.

"I'll be going to regular school next year too! Daddy promised." He told his friends confidently, glancing over at Tony and Pepper who were lazing about while Happy stood alert nearby, eyes focused on Peter's every movement.

"I hope we're in the same class." MJ perked up slightly at the mention of school and Peter nodded enthusiastically. He hoped so too.

Lunch was just Pepper, Tony and Peter.

Peter spent most of the lunch quiet, watching Tony and Pepper eat. Tony didn't press him, when he wanted to talk, he knew he'd talk. Eventually, Peter hesitantly lifted his eyes from his own plate.

"Daddy.." He asked uncertainly, as if he wasn't really sure of the reaction his next words would bring. Tony looked up and so did Pepper, both slightly worried about their son.

"Thank you." He finally managed to get some words out. The adults looked at each other, somehow they felt as though he wasn't just thanking them for the meal or even the day he'd had so far. They waited as he struggled slightly more with his words before looking up again.

"Thank you for letting me stay in the Avengers place with you and mommy and Uncle Bruce and Uncle Thor and Uncle Clint and Uncle Steve and Aunt Natasha and-"

"Peter you don't have to list every-"

The 6 year old glared at Tony and continued. "And Uncle Scott sometimes when he's not at his own home and Uncle Stephen when he isn't off being a wizard and Aunt Wanda and Vision and Cassie when she comes to visit and Uncle Loki when he isn't in prison-"

Tony and Pepper exchanged looks of slight annoyance and  affection.

"And Uncle Quill when he visits from space with Aunt Gamora and Uncle Drax and Aunt Mantis and Rocket and Groot and Uncle T'Challa when he comes from the tech place and Uncle Rhodey and Uncle Bucky and Uncle Sam and..." He screwed his face up thinking for a moment.

"Uncle Happy. I think that's everyone. I really like to be hugged and receive presents like toys and go to coding class." He beamed proud of himself that he'd been able to get his point across.

"No need to thank us, Peter." Pepper spoke first, for a speechless Tony who was staring at his son as if he'd grown three heads.

As the three left the restaurant they'd come to eat at, Tony hesitantly kneeled next to his six year old.

"I have a very big surprise for you, Peter." He whispered, as Pepper paid the bill. Peter perked up he loved surprises.

"It has to do with mommy." He grinned and Peter gripped his father's arm tight.

"Tell me! Tell me please!" He begged, as Tony laughed slightly.

Pepper grinned as she walked up. "Tony, don't tease him. Just spit it out." She said, amusedly.

"You're going to be a big brother, Peter. Mommy's going to be having a baby."

Peter was a lot more excited than they'd thought he'd be. He practically leapt into Tony's arms and cheered.

"What's their name? Is it a boy or a girl?" He asked excitedly, looking between his parents who shrugged their shoulders.

"We don't know, bud. But we'll let you know as soon as we find out, promise."

Peter let Tony lift him and carry him back to the car where Happy was waiting for them. He'd never been more excited for anything in his whole life. He thought about his little cousin he'd held earlier on in the day. He imagined holding his new sister or brother at the compound, introducing them to their huge extended family... He couldn't wait. The  baby couldn't be here soon enough...

"Surprise!" He hadn't even realized they'd arrived home and walked into a full room. Everyone was there. Even Uncle Quill and the other Guardians, which excited Peter to no end. He wiggled out of his parents arms, eager to talk to everyone. They greeted him and wished him happy birthday.

He asked to stick a magnet to Bucky's arm (to which the man wholeheartedly agreed, much to the amusement of Steve and Tony). He sat and watched Scott perform some magic (afterwards begging him to teach him how to do the card trick too). He had a contest to see who could eat their cake fastest with Thor (he won). He practically forced Stephen to make him a portal to go through, asked Bruce to show him how to make an explosion using only things in the kitchen and played a really fun game with the Guardians, which was basically just hide and seek, but every time he got found Rocket would release a stink bomb in the room.

Tony was going to have a field day with that.

Peter sat perched atop Steve's shoulders, cupcake in hand with a candle on top.

"Make a wish, Peter." Natasha reminded him of the tradition as he stared at the pastry in his hands.

Peter hesitated, smiled slightly and blew the candle. The group watched him in anticipation, curious.

"I didn't wish for anything." He announced to them and Bruce raised his eyebrow, amused.

"Why not?"

"Because I already have everything I need, right here in this room. I don't want to be selfish and take more."


And finished.

Yup. That's the end of Little Peter. Maybe I'll add some little oneshots here and there but this is the end of the main story. I'll eventually be starting the older Peter story which like I've said before will include a more coherent plot, but I wanted to thank you all for coming along on this ride with me, for allowing me to write this masterpiece and for believing in me when no one else did.

I'll be graduating in a month and this story and you readers have really gotten me through some hard times. I've never been prouder of something I've written. I'll link the new story when it's up here. But for now, this is farewell. Not good bye. Because I hope to be back real soon.

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