New Friend?

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Peter spent most of his waking moments while Tony and Pepper were busy hidden in his room. The room was much bigger than the one he'd had before and he didn't have to share it with anyone. His favourite part of the room was also the growing amount of toys Tony insisted he needed to an amused Pepper.
He loved his room. They'd removed the old sheets and put some child friendly ones. Thor had also helped them move the bigger bed to another room and set up Peter's smaller one. When he was older, the bigger bed would return, but for now this one was just the size he needed.
He sat cross legged on the bed, picture book open on his lap, focusing really hard. He didn't know how to read, not really, but he wanted to know. Tony and Pepper were still unsure about the form of education they wanted for him and until they figured it out, he'd have to try his best.
"Fish?" He muttered to himself running his fingers over the picture. "Fff.... F. F makes the ffff sound..." His eyes searched the page.

"Hello." A metallic voice interrupted his silence. Peter, not realizing somebody else was in his room, jumped two feet into the air, eyes wide. The robot man tilted his head to the side and Peter realized his door hadn't even been opened.
"H-Hello?" The boy moved back towards his pillows, picture book forgotten and abandoned.
The man seemed to be comprehending the situation he was. This was definitely not a human.
"Who are you?" Peter asked, still on edge but really curious. The robot responded once more in his metallic tone.
"My name is Vision. I have been away on a mission and was unaware anyone stayed in this room. What is your name?" He responded, eyes scanning Peter.

"P- Peter. I live here, this is my room. See?" He gestured to the colourful sheets and toys strewn across the room. Vision looked around as if noticing this for the first time.
"You are a human child. Not a human adult." He stated and Peter nodded.
"You're a robot... How'd you get in my room?" He blinked, wringing his little hands.
"Through the walls." He answered as simply as if they'd been discussing the weather.

"Oh... Well do you like checkers?" Peter slid off his bed to the shelf of games. Tony had taught him to play checkers but he was desperate for an opponent besides his daddy, who beat him almost every time. Vision's eyes followed Peter's walk to the shelf and watched him pull the game off eagerly.

"I have not played." Vision explained and Peter grinned.
"That's okay. I'll teach you. Daddy taught me...."

"It's been half an hour. How long does it take Vision to check on Peter?" Pepper asked, stepping into the room where Wanda and Tony were talking about the mission. Tony rolled his eyes.
"You know Peter. He loves to play, he probably roped him into one of his games."
Even with Tony's dismissive answer, Pepper was still worried. She made her way to Peter's room, opening the door slightly.
Peter was curled slightly into Vision's side, both of their eyes focused on a book sitting between them.

"How do you spell orange?" Peter asked and Pepper smiled.
Tony was right. Who could resist that smile?

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