Her personality and "switches" P.t 2 (how strong is she?)

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Winter: Ummmmmmm...... well I'm out! See ya! *walks off to her Bff's house. Aka: Sara *

Me: that girl......
Anyways! How strong is Winter? Let's see!

Lets start with mentally!

She isn't that strong mentally unfortunately. (this is one of her weakness) 1st off, she's depressed. Which I a HUGE! Set back when she is by her self. That's why she turns to fiends and family for comfort. Which isn't TOO great because...umm... yeah... also the reason why she's so clingy to Bendy and the others in WereWolf Bendy.

Which you TOTALLY already reed. RIGHT?!? Good for you if you did. Give yourself a pat on the back!😊

Now physically.
She's super strong, with the amount of magic power she has she could destroy a whole town. And when fighting 1 on 1 she could kick anyone's butt. Yet, doesn't even know it. She's a ticking bomb. The reason why she meditates, to make sure she's in control. So that her powers don't get the better of her.

Winter also has 3 stages.

Stage #1: Healing powers
Winter "unlocks" her powers and discover she has healing powers at the age of 12 no matter what. Your probably saying That's too easy Firsk! Well having depression makes that position step down a bit. Your probably going to ask But why give her depression Frisk? Too balance nature. For every positive, it has to be negative. And I don't want her to have cancer or nothing that could kill her in her 20s, so yeah. Depression it is.

Stage #2: Fire powers
Winter's fire powers unlock when she feels too much negative emotion. Ether it's sadness, anger, fear, anxiety, pain, just any negative emotion what so ever. Then bam! She turns to Winter 2.0 a VARY hard stage to control. Well what's the positive and negative of this stage? Glad you asked! The positive: she learns she has another amazing power! Negative: it's harder to control, it's easier to increase depression, plus the emotion that activated the power can consume her. But, why so meany negatives Frisk?

Stage #3: The increase/boost
The last and final stage is her boost or increase as I like to say it. And the reason why she has so meany negatives in the second is to not have any in the third. Like if, the negatives that were so posta be in the 3rd stage moved to the 2nd. Anyways, she's earns this when she learns to control both healing and fire powers. Positives: depression is a little harder to get, she's mostly in control, she can use her powers more without depression.

The 3 stages are mostly about control. But that's because if Winter doesn't have control then the powers she holds can explode!( as in take over her body to create chaos.)

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