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october 11th.

that was the day taeyong asked me out on a date. i was so taken aback, not expecting things to go this way. i opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off.

"don't worry, it's a double date! sicheng and jaehyun will be there," he assured me, his eyes wide with hope.

it didn't matter to me at all if you were there with another man. i just wanted to see you— and i found this as the perfect opportunity. "sure, tae. i'll pick you up then?"


the day finally came. i remember riding a cab to taeyong's house to find him jumping up and down in excitement. his behavior was so unexpected, i found it cute.

but when we arrived at the diner, i realized no one and nothing could ever be as cute as you with your pink beret and matching pink sweater. you looked like something straight out of the movie, sicheng, i just wished it got a happy ending.

"oh, you must be yuta! i'm sicheng." your soft, melodic voice greeted me as soon as you saw me. i had to remove my arm from taeyong's grasp so i could shake your hand.

"i was told this is a double date?" i remember trying to speak nonchalantly. but how could i? you were standing there in front of me. and although i could feel taeyong's stare burning a hole through me, i could only see you, sicheng. it was only you and i alone in that retro diner.

until jaehyun got out of the bathroom.

"why don't you and taeyong go find a table? sicheng and i will order first," he said, turning to me. all i could do was nod and take taeyong's hand in mine, leading him to a vacant table.

once we were seated, i remember taeyong asking me, "you okay, yuta?" i didn't realize i've been staring at you, sicheng. the way you bit your lip as you tried deciding what to order, the way your lips moved whenever you said something to jaehyun.

"yeah, fine." i cleared my throat, turning back to taeyong. "what are you gonna get?"

"probably some fries, a milkshake or maybe..." i could hear taeyong talking but i wasn't listening at all. because you were there and suddenly you were walking towards me and—

"hello? sicheng just asked what you wanted to order," taeyong said, snapping me back into reality.

i looked up and found you smiling down at me and i swear i had to blink a few times, in disbelief of the beaut in front of me. "uh— i'll get a burger and coke, sicheng." i tried your name on my lips, and i liked how it sounded. si-cheng. i remember a broad smile creeping up my lips, which made you smile even wider. i would've kissed you then and there, unconscious of the eyes of every other people in the room.

but jaehyun came and kissed you on the cheek instead. "they say our orders are coming in ten minutes, babe."

i remember looking down then, hearing him call you 'babe'. i remember glancing at taeyong, who was already smiling at me.

i remember thinking that i was going to fall in love with you and how fucked i would be if i ever let that happen.

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