Chapter 5 - Love Is Not Over

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      "Who called him here?! I don't want him here! He beats me!" Tucker cried. He started kicking at the bed and what was above him.
       The policeman looked at Tucker curiously. " you?". Tucker nodded and yelled yes. His foster father had a red face and was angry.
      "I do not!" His foster father yelled. "Where in the world would you get that idea?".
      Tucker pulled up his shirt, showing his stomach. He had bruises and scars on his stomach and on his sides. Everyone in the room gasped except for Tucker and his foster dad.
      The policeman grabbed Tucker's foster father's wrists and shoved them behind the foster father's wrists.
      "Mister Davidson, you're under arrest for child abuse. You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire," The policeman said with a blank face. He said that as Mr. Davidson had an angry look on his face. He gave Tucker a death stare as he walked out of the hospital room.
Tucker had a red face, that matched his red eyes. His face was stained with tears, and his nose was running. He closed his eyes then opened them. He then looked at the shaken Laurel and Caspian.
      "Guys...I'm so sorry...forgive—," Tucker started to say as he was interrupted by Caspian.
      "Tuck, we forgive you. Trust me. It was a pain to sit close to each other in the car, but we did it for you. We're fine. We want to know how you are," Caspian said softly and calmly to Tucker. Tucker half smiled and avoided eye contact with Caspian and looked at Laurel, who was silent. Tucker opened his mouth.

This was a filler chapter? Plus I'm really tired and my friend kept telling me to update lol

Not like anyone else ACTUALLY reads this lol

But anyways I hope you do kinda enjoy it? Idk lol

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