Chapter 3 - House Of Cards

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      Tucker sat at home alone. He was thinking about his first time meeting Caspian and his first time seeing Laurel. He didn't realize what he had done until he had done it.
       He built up a house of cards, and now it was crumbling to the ground. His only true friend, Caspian, was gone and would probably hate him and his only love, Laurel, was probably annoyed that I told her ex to come over when she did.
       Tucker put his head into his hands and pulled on his own hair. He felt his face grow red and he felt tears in his eyes.
      "Mom...if you're...if you're up there...tell God that I'm coming soon...tell him that it won't be too long and I'll join you..." Tucker said to himself, pausing in between to breathe through the tears and snot. "Dad...I know you're somewhere...I don't know where...but come home...and fix this...".
       KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. Tucker looked up. He wiped the snot and tears away and yelled, "One second! I'll be there in a second! Who is it?". He said it in his happiest voice he could do.
      KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. Tucker sighed and then yelled, "Who is it?!". He yelled louder than before.
      "This is the police! Open up...". A voice said from the door. Tucker's puffy and red eyes widened. He slowly walked to the door and unlocked it. As he slowly opened up the door, he wiped away any tears or snot left on his face.
      "Are you Tucker Euphoria?" The policeman said to Tucker. He nodded and opened up the door, signaling for the officer to come in.
      The cop stepped in and looked around. "Is this your place? Parent? Mom? Dad?" The policeman said to Tucker.
      "It's my...foster parents' house. They're at work right now...I just got back from school..." Tucker said slowly. He then paused. He looked up at the officer. "Why? Do you need me..or them...for something?".
      The policeman laughed and shook his head. "I need to make sure you're are your grades?". Tucker widened his eyes.
      "Depends on the subject. If you asked me how I'm doing in math, average is a C or B. Science is about the same. English and French class are A's and A+'s. Other classes are A's or B's," Tucker said with a half smile on his face. The officer had a thoughtful look on his face.
      "Are you good at writing?" The officer asked Tucker. Tucker nodded.
      "That's what I'm told," Tucker giggled. He looked up at the officer.
      "I don't mean to be rude, but we're you crying?" The officer asked Tucker. Tucker slightly gasped to himself and avoided eye contact with the policeman.
      "Uhh.." Tucker said quietly. "Yeah.." . The policeman nodded and smiled.
     "That's okay, kid. Can I ask you why?" The policeman responded. Tucker looked up at the cop for a split second then looked back down.
      "I just ruined my shot at getting new friends. I liked this girl, but I accidentally invited her ex and her ex is...was my friend, but I screwed that up," Tucker explained to the officer. The officer then nodded and put his hand on Tucker's shoulder.
      "It's okay, kid. When I was your age, my parents were always gone and people made fun on me. No one wanted to be my friend. I was poor and wore dirty and ragged up clothes. At least people gave you a chance, right?" The policeman said to Tucker. Tucker then looked up at the officer. "It's okay, kid,".
      "Okay..I'll go to school tomorrow and try to make it up," Tucker said, still avoiding eye contact. The policeman nodded. "Then I guess my job's done. Unless there's anything bothering you that you wanna tell me?"
      Tucker paused. "Nope," he fake smiled. He was thinking about earlier when he said he wanted to join his mother.
      "I guess I'll go, then," the officer said with a smile. Tucker fake smiled in return and the cop walked out, shuttling the door softly behind him.
      Tucker sighed and walked upstairs to his room. He sat on his bed and put his head in his hands again.
      He heard the door downstairs open. He looked up and ran to his bedroom door, which was still open. He peeked outside of his door and looked downstairs. His foster dad was home. He sighed.
      "Tucker! Why was there a cop leaving?!" Tucker's foster father yelled loudly from downstairs. Tucker sighed and walked to the stairs. He stood at the top stair.
      "J-Just..checking o-on me, I guess..." Tucker stuttered. He looked down at his feet as he heard his foster dad stomp to the stairs. He was on the bottom stair.
      "Get your ass down here, you little shit," Tucker's foster father ordered. Tucker slowly walked down the stairs avoiding eye contact with his foster father.
      "I-I'm sorry.." Tucker said as he was in front of his foster dad. His foster dad was angry and red in the face.
      Tucker's foster father then slapped Tucker, and Tucker fell to the floor. He made a whimpering noise as he went down.
     "You let the bruises show, didn't you? What did I fucking tell you?! You little shit! WHAT DID I TELL YOU?" Tucker's foster father yelled.
      "You t-told me...not t-to bruises..." Tucker stuttered uncontrollably. He felt warm tears rush down his face. Tucker's foster father kicked him in the rib cage.
      "You pussy...can't even contain your fucking crying...go to your room...AND NEXT TIME COVER UP THE FUCKING BRUISES, YOU PIECE OF SHIT," The foster father yelled. Tucker flinched when the man started to yell again. Tucker looked up at the man and walked up the stairs.
        When he got to his room, he shut the door and locked it. He started to cry on his bed, harder than before. He put a hand over his face and his other hand on his rib cage where his foster father kicked him.
       " want to leave...I want to...I WANT TO FUCKING LEAVE," Tucker cried.   He felt as if his house of cards was set on fire as soon as it crumbled to the ground. The tears were streaming uncontrollably now. Tucker opened his drawer and took out a knife.
     "I'm coming mom," he whispered.

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