Another Guy

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chapter 15

Ringos POV

After our performance on the Ed Sullivan show everyone agreed on going to the Playboy club although I didn't really want to go instead I decided to go back to the hotel with Eppy so I could see my bird Missy. As we arrived at the hotel doors I realized there was still a million girls behind gates singing we love the Beatles and all. Eppy covered me so girls wouldn't see me. It was a good thing it was night time.

As we entered the lobby I spotted Missy and another guy with her. I looked closely at the blonde headed guy and realized it was Dennis Wilson from the Beach boys. They were together in the lobby eating. "its nothing they are just friends" I thought to myself. All of a sudden Dennis took his fork and jabbed at a piece of food on his plate then reached over and placed it in Missy's  mouth then slide the fork out as she munched on the food. They then smiled at each other. "Maybe they are real good friends" I thought to myself.

I finally made my way to the hotel room and waited for Missy to come up. Unfortunately I was soon swarmed with reporters at 10pm in our private hotel room because of Murray K. It pissed me off because I was tired and they kept calling me beatle and asked me dumb question.

reporter: "why is your nose like that?"

Me:"I don't know, why is your nose like that?"

Reporter:" are you good friends with your bandmates?"

Me: "I don't know, you ask them"

Reporter:"why do you guys have an accent?"

Me:"um well were from another planet called the UK and were from a small clan called Liverpool"

Finally at 12am the reporters left and I was still alone waiting for Missy in the hotel room. I got up and went to the girls hotel suite.

Jane answered the door "hey Ritchie"

I smiled "hey, is Missy here"

"no, she went downstairs about 5 hours ago to get some snacks and she said she was gonna get a new record"

I scratched my head "oh, I saw her in the lobby with Dennis Wilson. did she say anything about him?"

Jane went wide eyed "the beach boy"

I nodded my head "ya"

"no she said nothing about him. She wouldn't cheat on you though so don't worry rings"

"well the fact its almost one am thats a bit suspicious"

Jane nodded her head "ya, but she can't have another guy she loves you"

I put on a fake smile "ya I know I'll go back and wait for her, thanks Jane"

she smiled slightly "no prob, is Paul and the rest of the boys still at the playboy club?"

"im afraid so"

she looked at the ground and held back tears "um thanks rings"

before I could say anything she shut the door. 

Missy POV

after six hours talking and flirting with Dennis in the lobby Restraunt I realized it was real late .

"Dennis I enjoyed talking and eating with you"

he smiled exposing his perfect white teeth. "anytime Miss"

our eyes locked and it was hard to look away. After what seemed thirty minutes of staring into each others eyes Dennis whispered

"we should do this again sometime"

I blushed "yeah we should"

Dennis smiled then got up and helped me out of my chair.

As we reached the elevator we stood their."you um want me to walk you to your room"

I knew what he was leading to but I didn't want to take the chance. "um its ok I'll manage."

He smiled then looked straight back into my eyes. I stared back into his perfect green eyes. He then moved closer and closer then I felt his lips upon mine. it felt so wrong because I was cheating on my true love Ringo yet it felt right being with Dennis.

After a long make out I decided to pull away. We opened our eyes slowly. the elevator door opened and I walked in as he still stood outside smiling. Just before it closed he winked at me then said I'll see you tomorrow. I winked back at him.

As I exited the elevator on the private floor I caught Ringo asleep next to the elevator door. I shook him then he awoke with a worried look.

"where were you"

I gulped trying to think of something to say "um I was at a record store."

"with Dennis?"

I stood in silence  as he waited for an answer.

"What do you know about him and I?"

Ringo chuckled "you don't think I don't know"

I kept quiet as Ringo chuckled

"what? that he's my friend?"

Ringo studied me "a guy friend you share food with like legitimately share food with?"

I glared at him "theres nothing between us stop assuming things"

Ringo shook his head then got up "Missy Ray I love you and your me bird" with that he walked into his hotel room then slammed the door. I knew I shouldn't have took the chance with another guy but it was to late I was falling in love with Dennis.

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