Chapter 1

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Alice's P.O.V

School. Have I said school? Well, school. God, I hate studying. Fortunately, no one has ever tried to bully me, or at least not yet anyway. I so thankfully want to compliment myself for not having to stand out too much to be considered popular, and I don't even want to lable myself with it. However, I doubt it's because I am the captain of the girls' basketball team. You heard me, right? Loud and clear. I play basketball and partly volleyball.

I'm currently rushing to my first class now, and lucky me, it's the subject I am really interested to: Arts. I love it. It's usually the only way I could express my feelings, and somehow it feels incredibly refreshing. When my hand gets in touch with the pencil, I'm always mesmerised how it automatically collaborates with my brain, doing it's magic right at the bat. I've always wondered how I can naturally do that knowing my parents couldn't even draw a decent animated duck or whatsoever.

Anyway back to present, I stopped once I reached the art room soon realising I arrived earlier than usual as there were only half of them people I partake this class with, sitting casually in the room. Some are napping obviously. I silently walk towards my seat at the back, as a girl I have no idea where she came out from, rushed into it first.

"Whoops. My dear Alice! I'm sorry, but today this spot is taken as you can see" She smirks up at me, sounding energetically mixed with a faint hint of pleading.

Taken, huh.

"Whatever Kayla" I roll my eyes, taking off my backpack and lazily slump down on the chair beside her. Guess you're just going to have to pay for this, eh? A little game should be alright to start the day, shouldn't you all agree?

"You know, Kayla? If I were you, I'd keep an eye on my girlfriend more often. FYI." I leaned dangerously close and whispered near her ear. Two could play in one, right?

"Huh??" She frowns, looking extremely baffled. Her eyebrows knit as she studies my face for any sign of joke. I wasn't giving in, I just got started.

"Don't you know what's going on with your girlfriend?" I acted as if I was concerned, pausing a little to see her reaction. "I thought you'd be the most informed, you know?" satisfied with the way she's suspiciously but worriedly staring at me, I continued the act.

"Darling. I have your girl flirting with me all the time, so annoying isn't it?" With a devilish grin on my face, I looked away. It was the last blow, or she could lost it.

"Alice! Cut the chase, you're scaring the shit out of me" she huffs then intensely glares at me as I start to laugh when couldn't hold it anymore.

"Aww, look at you! Such a cutie when you get angry. Impressive, maybe I should do this more often" I teasingly winked, her cheeks slowly getting rosy as she release a long huff companying it with a slap on my arm.

"Shut up. Ugh, I hate you" she huffs again, folding her arms and pouts like a kid. I got her pretty bad. Oh Kayla, such a childish brat. I'm actually friends with her girlfriend. No worries.

"Okay, I'll stop. Don't pout, you have a baby face already, now you look like a kid" I said trying to wash off her worries. Lucky enough, her pout turned into a thin straight line which is better than nothing.

"There you go!" I cheered her on, the almost smile turning into glare instead. What? Is she serious?

"Listen, I'm sorry I took your seat. I just didn't want to sit with those creepy guys over there.." she explains her side, her gaze on the emo lover fellows, flashing me her now puppy eyes. Oh, girl.

"It's cool. I was kidding anyway, in case you're still worried. Oh, your face was priceless though" she rolled her eyes, hitting me on the arm for another round. Our little banter ended from there, looking towards the front and watch our teacher graciously Mr. George walk in the room.

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