Chapter 10

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Alice's P.O.V

Last night was unexpected. It really was. Heck I almost wanted to jump and scream when she said yes last nigh! but of course I wouldn't do that. I mean, not with these drama thing. I admit that I'm still trying to move on. It's kinda hard for me what the hell!? that was already the third time, worst part is that I was actually there! but what could I possibly do? It happened already, I already saw what I saw and I'm done with it. Oh girl, don't toy me.

This is not the first time I had seen her kiss someone else and thinking about it made my tummy churn. It fvcking hurts. The first one, was when I saw her kissing a guy at school, whilst the second one was when my grandparents came to visit me. It was the worst part. I could have sworn I almost killed the guy, he's lucky enough to have not encounter me yet.


I got a call from my grandma today, informing me that they're coming over to visit me. She told me they should be here around eight and a half and will be having dinner with us. As my grandma ended the call, an idea came to my mind. I looked down my wrist watch and checked the time. It says 5:01 pm which is the reason why I was already running from my room down to the living room in search of the key to pick my girlfriend. As I jog towards our front door, I clicked the green button for the garage to open and while I stayed there standing in front of it.

"C'mon, move faster!" I mumbled impatiently as the door finally swung widely open. When I got inside my car, I drove to my girlfriend's house with a smile forming onto my lips. I can't believe I was really going to finally introduce my girl to my grandparents. As the red light came, I made a stop, and scouted my head to my side. I regret it.

I was stunned, as I watch Emma kissing someone who's not me on the side walk. What the fuck? what was I seeing? I couldn't even form any words to say.

I pull my window's car down when I heard few honking cars behind me, making me groan angrily. I looked for a free spot where I could park my car near them so I could take a good look at it.

Once parked to a perfect place, where they couldn't see, I decided to take my phone off my jean's pocket and called Emma's number to make sure it was really her or it was just a duplanger.

What I didn't want to know, was that I was indeed right and I wasn't just fucking assuming. At first she didn't even answer my call, but I know deep down, I fucking saw her check her phone although decided to only stare and ignore it. Isn't this interesting? my girlfriend is cheating on me. I held myself.

I called her again. I could have acted the way I should be in this situation when she picked the call  but when I heard her angelic voice, I wast fast to restraint myself from yelling at her. It was too much. I'm very stupid to even fall for that beautiful voice of hers, I couldn't be mad.

"Hi babe!! How are you??" I, of course acted as normal as I could. Even if I wasn't faking it, I knew deep down that I couldn't do it, I couldn't yell at her which really sucks.

" I'm good!!" She's good huh. I could tell she's nervous though. I watch her walk away from that unfortunate guy. Don't make me look like a fool baby. I thought with my heart aching and my anger to start growing again.

"Are you home?? I'm picking you up now" I said trying to avoid any anger inside, though my voice was very firm and authorised.

"Uh...yes, yes. What's up?" She answered stuttering. You better run.

"My grandparents are coming over and I wanted to introduce you if that's okay of course" I said. God, fuck you Alice. Why would you even ask if she's okay with it you fucking retard.

"Oh..uh sure! that..that sounds great" She says while she waved the boy good bye and walked to her car. Yeah, wave at him baby girl.

"Well...I'm gonna hung up now. I'll see you in a minute!!" I said and ended the call not wanting to hear her talk anymore.

I was expecting my day to be perfect. She's lucky I'm not that sensitive type. I guess I'll just forgive you her time and let it pass. I bit my lip as I let out a big heavy sight then restart my car.

End of the flash back

I've never, ever in my life cheated with anyone. I fucking flirt, yes. But I've always been loyal to my girlfriend.

"Hey...good morning" my thoughts were interrupted by the girl beside me. The one I had been dying to be mine, although I was so blind to even see it myself. She was the one I needed, whom I wanted.

"Morning beautiful" I smiled at her and kissed the top of her forehead.

"How long have you been awake?" Madison asked me as I cup her cheeks and peck her lips before I answer her.

"Don't know...five minutes or so?" I say unsure, but more like a question. I lay my head on the crook of her neck, with my arms wrapped around her waist. Madison then turned to face me and flashes me her sweetest smile ever. I could get use to this everyday.

"Come on, I still have to prepare our breakfast" she said making her way to the bathroom. I suddenly missed her warm. I pouted while I watch her enter the room wearing only her undies. Damn sexy girl. I smirked at my dirty comment and made my own way to the bathroom after her.

When we finished getting all dressed up, we went down to her kitchen and had breakfast. We ate in silent until Madison had to take the dishes. I adoringly watch her do the work as I stand up from my seat and reach her towards the sink. I wrapped my arms around her waist, placing my chin on her shoulder and closed my eyes enjoying every moment, every seconds that's passing by.

Once done, she turned around and kiss me on my forehead, to my nose and down to my lips, still with my eyes close. I was completely drown to her adorableness. I deepened the kiss, asking for an entrance as both our tongue fought with dominance. It suddenly urge me to grab her butt cheek, lift her up to sit on the dining table with her legs wrapped around my waist.We kissed for god knows how long, would only pull away when air is needed. Panting, I gave her one last meaningful kiss before putting her down, carrying our bags as we made our way to school. She's mine, and mine only.

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