Chapter 3

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Madison's P.O.V

Rumors spread like hell. When I overheard the topic of the day,  my mind was about to explode. Alice is dating someone? what the fuck? just the thought of it makes me sick!

Stupid jealousy came to me. I tried convincing myself to stay close with her, but it's obviously not that easy. I couldn't take the fact that I have no more chance of dating her. I kept telling myself I have, but reality hit me and I knew I fucked up then.

I refused her offer yesterday. It will just hurt me more if I ever accepted it. I want to be with her, I don't want us to be just friends. I'm supposed to be the one who's with her, who's making her happy right now and not some other girl. I, if she ever tried to hurt my Alice, swear I'm gonna kill that girl. I love her too much to see her get broken. I'll wait for the right time. I won't gonna lose hope for us.

Right now I'm just zoning out, thinking about our supposedly friendly date. Hopefully, she didn't forget about it and instead chose to hang out with the girl over me.

I haven't decided on what to wear yet, and I'm already running out of time. I called Skye for a help. Crap, speaking of the devil, she's suppose to be here in any moment now. I could hear my mom's loud voice from downstairs. Though, before I could even open my door, Skye already stormed inside.

"Now, where are your clothes??" She clapped her hands looking at me up and down, still grinning.

"Ugh, right there" annoyed, I pointed my index finger to my left where my walk in closet is. Without wasting time, Skye quickly walked towards it.

"You should wear comfy clothes" She looked at me as I hop on my bed, letting out a sigh before saying a simple okay.

"Skye, where do you think she's taking me?" I looked up at my creamy white ceiling, praying maybe she knows where and would hopefully tell me.

"If I tell you where, Alice is going to kill me. Besides, it's a surprise remember?" She winked at me then hands me my clothes that I'm going to wear. To my surprise, she simply picked my designed v-neck black shirt and jeans short paring it with my black vans shoes in front of me. I cleared my throat.

"Am I really wearing these? aren't I suppose to wear an elegant one?" she frowned a bit before answering my question.

"Trust me. Carter and I both know where you're heading so don't worry." She reassured as I made a face. She's not really going to tell me where, will she?

"Now go get change. Alice should be here at any moment now" she crossed her arms in front of her chest, shooing me as I got up and pick my clothes then went to my bathroom to get change.

Once I was done, I could hear three different voices from downstairs. I grinned as I recognised those angelic voice of hers and therefore didn't waste no time and immediately got out my room. Whilst slowly walking down the stairs, I see Skye, Alice and mom sitting on the sofa, waiting for me. I looked at them with a lopsided smile. Hang on, seems like they had a talk, huh?

I rolled my eyes at my mom and Skye, who's silently giggling. I noticed how Alice dressed herself. Not bad, I thought. She's wearing what looks to be the same style as mines. She had on a simple white skull t-shirt, her sunglasses hanging on the hem of it's collar, matching it with her knee-length jeans short.

She's beautiful! but as much as I badly want to admire her beauty, Skye fucking had to clear her throat, bringing me back to reality and probably even stopping me from drooling over Alice.

"Um, guess we better get going now. Mrs. Sawier, it's nice meeting you again" Alice politely said, nodding her head at my mom as they exchanged knowing smiles, whispering something into each other that I obviously didn't catch.

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