Chapter 5

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Madison's P.O.V

There's only one word for me to describe the so called 'hang out' thing. It was fvcking WONDERFUL! and I have to admit, Alice being so sweet to me yesterday feels so good yet dreadful. I'm not expecting anything from her because I know she doesn't like me the same way I like her. I was so damn broken when I heard about their relationship. Who the heck wouldn't? I didn't just come here for her, to only find out a day later that she's already taken!

"Madison, how did your friendly-date go with Alice?" Skye asked, underlining the date part. I just gave her my biggest smile with my teeth showing off.

"I guess it went well then" Skye said and chuckled.

"Carter! how did you know about the restaurant by the way?" I whisper asked her.

"We have our own ways. When Alice said you guys were going to you know catch up, I couldn't help but do my best to help her" She smirked at me before taking her drawing pad out and started to draw. We're all here in the library, having our free time together.

"Stalker much" I stock my tongue out at them as we all laugh together but not loud enough so that Ms. Lori won't get mad.

"Just this time though...we got paid" Carter had the devilish smile when she said that, high five-ing Skye to add more teasing. I rolled my eyes. They got paid?! really??

"Sup guys" Bree and Kayla greeted in unison, taking the seat in front of me and Skye. Carter was beside me.

"I have something to tell you..." Kayla sighed whilst we all looked at her with confused looks, with Bree wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's waist for comfort. What could it be that she's too down for a bubbly person like her?

"Um...Alice wants to inform you that she's sorry she couldn't hang out with us this Saturday" Kayla blankly said making us all frown. But it was planned already!

"Where's she going? is everything alright?" Carter asked and Kayla answered.

"She said and I quote Emma's gonna be with me and we're spending the night together" Kayla coyly says as Bree joined her say the last part with a bit of attitude. I could sense how annoyed they are from the tone in their voices. They even had a matching roll eyes. They're so cute!

"It all makes sense now" Carter said sighing again. Are they really close to Alice this much?

"You guys don't like Emma, do you?" I asked all of a sudden, while I received nods from them. My mouth formed an 'o' shape and continued reading Treasure Island-Robert Louis Stevenson that Mrs. Paula gave me for English literature.

"Maddie, wanna hang out with us this Saturday? you we could get to know each other more?" I looked up at Skye and close the book.

"Sure, why not!" Skye brightly smiled at me before getting back to her phone, fast-typing.

"What time is it?? why's the bell not ringing yet?" I asked but they only frown and eventually went back to what they were doing. Skye continued talking with, whoever the person is, on her phone while Bree and Kayla are talking about their assignments or something I don't quite understand then alas. Carter, who's looking at her watch and the only person who answered my question. Wow, busy people much?

"I don't know but it's already two o'clock! the bell should have rung by now so we could go home already" Carter complaint.

"WHAT? two o'clock? are you kidding me?" Skye yelled literally, checking the time on her phone to see if Carter was telling the truth.

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