Chapter 2

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Alice's P.O.V
I glanced at the clock that's hanging against the wall. It says 7:05 a.m.

New record Alice. Congratulations!

"Great. Just great!" I murmured to myself sarcastically. Why on earth did I have to wake up early today? Ugh, never mind.

Fixing my bed, I stretched my arms wide before going to the bathroom to get ready. I did my usual routine: had shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and the list go on. After getting dressed, I went downstairs only to find my loving and caring mother cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, mom" I hugged her from behind and kissed her on her side cheek.

"Good morning honey" she greets me back whilst still cooking.

"Why so early? let me guess..."

"is my daughter not feeling well??" She presumes, sounding a bit worried.

"did you have a nightmare? you know, we-" haven't I mention you that my mom's talkative? well if not, then now you know. I still love my her for whom she is though.

Whilst she's being all dramatic, maybe I could take this chance to introduce her more. How is she like? Hmm...let me take this short. She's that kind of a strict-cool mother but sometimes can be so sensitive as well.

"Mom there's nothing wrong, okay? I'm not ill, I'm not broken, I'm fine. Don't worry too much" I chuckled and shook my head, giving her a playfully disbelief look but she pouts in return.

"Mom, don't do that face. Please" I warned, as I look away from her. She put away all the dishes when she finished cooking.

"I'm just trying to be a great mother, don't you want that?" she dramatically scoffs, pretending to wipe the invisible tear just under her eye.

Jesus. see what I meant there? She is using this drama talent on me again.

I groaned. "Mom! I didn't mean it like that, of course I want a sweet mother, not a bitchy one" I told her while I took the plates and help her prepare the table.

"Ah, I thought so too" she smilingly says, taking a seat. She didn't even acknowledge the word 'bitchy' which I sighed in relief. Bet other parents would have scold their children already.

"Of course..I love you ma" I sincerely say, placing the last spoon on the table.

"I love you too monkey" she retorted back, giggling at the nickname she gave me long time ago.

"Could you please call your father and tell him breakfast is ready?" she asks, pouring some milk on her favorite coffee cup that she bought in France.

"oh and can you kindly please check on your sister for me as well? thank you" I stood up and do as I was told, giving her one last smile. I found my father watching NBA in the living room just as I was about to turn right on my way upstairs to wake him up.

"Morning dad" I greeted him as he gave me his handsome daddy-like smile.

"Good morning darling" he greeted me then returned his attention back to the game. Um...Ok?

"Mom wanted me to tell you breakfast is ready" I informed him as he nodded as a response.

"I'll go check on your sister" he was already standing but I stopped him just in time.

"No dad. It's okay, I'll do it" he smiled at me and kissed me on top of my forehead like always, before saying a quick okay and walks towards the kitchen.

I entered in my sister's room and thought she was till sleeping, but when I was about to close the door she called for mom, letting me know that she just woke up.

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