Chapter 6

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Madison's P.O.V

This morning, I woke up with a smile on my face. Thinking I just made a new friend makes me feel better. I know I already have Alice and her friends but making another new friend on my own feels better. I got up and did my morning routine then went downstairs to have breakfast with mom.

"Good morning. What's with the  bright smile?" Mom asked me then raised her left eyebrow.

"Nothing" I sat down then shake my head, still smiling. I'm looking like an idiot.

"Okay?" My mom suspiciously looked at me then chuckled afterwards. We were eating our breakfast in deep silence when I heard the familiar honk outside.

"I got it" Mom said and was about to get up already when I stopped her.

"That must be Sara, she's gonna be my ride for today mom. Don't worry, she only lives opposite us, and uh...yes you guys both have the same name"  I finished drinking my milk and quickly give her a peck on her cheek as I went off running.

"Have a great day!" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen making me giggle. When I opened our door, my head got bumped by Sara's head as well.


We yelped in unison.

"What in heaven are you doing there!?" I asked her whilst I rub my pounding head and clutching my eyes close.

"Duh! I was about to push that small button which we humans call doorbell for the second time when you suddenly came and voila!" She explained, rolling her eyes on me.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Let's go!" I smiled at her. We headed to her car and gently, she opened the passenger's door for me. I thanked her nice gesture.

"So?" She spoke, turning the engine on.

"So what?" I mocked, buckling my seatbelt on so the annoying sound would stop.

"I asked you first, Madison" She smirked, winking purposely at me.

"You didn't ask anything!" I protested even though it was an unaccepted reason. Why are we so childish?

"I did! you just copied me by adding the what part" she says back and we argued like that until we've already arrive at school.

"That wasn't a question!" I glared at her as the banter kept going. Even though we're acting immature, ate least we're actually having fun.

"Yes, It was!" she glared back at me, although she was getting more frustrated than me now. I couldn't help but to held back a chuckle.

"Stop!" I said but proceeded anyway, "-it wasn't" I added and stock my tongue out at her.

"For heaven's sake! of course it was!" she glared at me with flame in her eyes. It didn't even bother me. I was cool with it.

"It definitely was--" I whined pouting but Alice suddenly came out of nowhere, preventing me from saying another word. Emma is on her side, and our friends were also behind them.

"What's going on??" Alice asked, making us both turn our body so that we're facing them now.

"Nothing" I said and faked a smile at them but then glared at Sara again. It was just another act.

"Yeah..absolutely nothing" she mocked as we made a staring look contest. No one blinked on either one of us.

"Ehem..." Alice cleared her throat, practically breaking our staring contest.

"What?" I asked cooly.

"Who is she??" Skye asked and I overheard Carter whispering something such as 'she's hot' to Bree which made me chuckle softly.

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