Chapter 11

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Madison's P.O.V
Alice and I make our way to our usual hanging place, our friends greeted us with their unusual morning looks. Two of them looked tired while Skye looked bored as hell and Sara...well as I can see, Sara looked exhausted as fvck. The looks on their faces had caused Alice and I to giggle.

"Guys! you all look like zombies. Seriously, we should be celebrating!" Carter squeals, or practically shouting.

"Celebrate for what actually, dumbass??" Skye greeted her girlfriend with a kiss wrapping her arms around Carter's neck. I looked at them in awe, unconsciously hooking my arms on Alice's.

"There's only two weeks left and we're fvcking out of this whole hell school already!! Man..don't tell me you guys forgot about it!" as Carter reminded us about our incoming graduation, Bree scoffed. Carter wrapped her arms around Skye's waist, mumbling something sweet to her ass it made her girl smile.

"They're so cute, aren't they?" I whisper to Alice who turned to face me. I smiled at her and kissed her. I was so lost and drown to the kiss that I suddenly forgot we haven't came out to our friends yet. Surprised, they all stared at us in shock, wide eyes but in awe.

"I knew it!!! how fucking long did it take either one of you to admit your feelings!?" Kayla squealed making me blush at her sudden out burst.

"The night when Emma cheated on me" Alice answered casually then shrugged it off as if it wasn't a big deal. When she said that, all of us went dead silent. It was awkward.

"WHO WANTS TO GO ON A TRIP AFTER GRADUATION WITH ME!?" Sara interrupt the living dead silence, making us raise our hands completely snapping out from the awkward tension.

"Really? how about...I'll take you all to the Island, all on me" Alice challengingly looked at Sara.

"I'm in!!" almost all of us said in unison making few students to weirdly look at us.

"That's unfair!! I asked you first, you have to go with me" Sara frowned making Alice chuckle. I gave her a look causing her to laugh, leaving me no choice but to pinch her waist.

"Ouch!!" She yelped in pain as she continued rubbing the sore part making the others, including me, giggle at her.

"That's so mean!" She whined and stormed off making all of us burst out laughing. As the conversation proceeds perfectly fine and loud, a professor approach and scolded us. As the professor talks, behind him, there stood Bree doing silly faces causing the group and some students stifle a giggle. When the professor walked away Kayla, Sara, and I then went off our first class, a minute after hearing the sound of the annoying bell. I should make up with Alice, I thought whilst walking along with my friends.

After our first three hours, I took my separate way from my friends, exhaustingly walking to my fourth period which is Physical Education. Earlier in class, to make things better with my girlfriend, Alice asked me for a kiss in front of the class which I hesitantly obliged. If I hadn't done it, I surely won't be able to put my books into my locker and would probably deal with an upset Alice all week instead.

Whilst I was silently walking in the hallway, I finally spotted my locker and stuffed the books I'm carrying in my arms. Once done, I then started walking towards our school's gym, passing several classrooms, when a masculine hand grabbed me by my arm and covered my mouth with it's palm to stop me from screaming. Of course I tried to fight even though I was feeling nervous as hell deep down. Panicking, my body started to tremble but not enough for the kidnapper to notice. Again, I tried attempting to get out from it's grip and bite it's surprisingly soft hand. When the guy released his palm from my mouth, I took that opportunity to turn and punch him somewhere in his face. What I didn't expect to see was a girl, or worst, not only a girl but Emma.

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