Chapter 9

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Madison's P.O.V

I was so busy dancing when Carter approached and inform me that they were already tired and wanted to go home. I was hesitant at first cause I didn't want to go home yet but remembering that I didn't have a ride, I nodded and followed Carter when in the corner of my eye caught Alice standing at froze with her gaze only into one direction. Carter and I both walked closer to her with curiosity and confuse look. Before I could even ask Alice, she already took off running. I tried to chase after her but she was way too fast to run like a vampire and disappear in such speed. I decided to go back inside instead, and looked for Carter.

"What the hell Emma?!" I finally recognised Carter's voice still with the loud music blasting off. After trying hundred attempts to search for Carter, I lifted my head up and cheered silently when I caught her not too far from me.

'I swear to god Carter! It's not really what it looks like!' Another voice was heard, although I could tell it was from Emma this time. Whilst I am still trying to find a way to get to their place, I curiously confused on why Carter sounded angry and irritated. Everyone then gathered all around them, which made me groaned even more! I was like 'Excuse me here ' 'Excuse me there' I excused myself everywhere just to have a clear way to go towards them.

"Oh my god, I really am going to push or kicked everyone's ass up here if they won't get out of my way next time even if it's not necessary" I complaint. I breathed out as Carter just stood beside me with folded arms and murderous look.

"What's going on here?" I asked and looked at Carter who's looking angrily at Emma now.

"This girl cheated on our friend" Carter pointed her index finger at Emma who has her head down, ashamed. She should be.

"What!??" I said loudly gaining some of the crowds attentions nearby to the three of us now. The DJ then lowered the music when everyone started to gossip, looking at me. I turned my hand into a balled fist and was ready to attack Emma when Carter stopped me and whisper.

"Uh...we should get going now, let's not cause scene here" I looked at our surroundings and Carter was indeed right. I composed myself and took deep breaths, restraining myself from lounging Emma right now. I glared at her one more time and leaned in closer to her and said or more like warned.

"We aren't finished yet, darling" I grinned at her and walked out immediately. When we got to the parking lot, both Carter and I just received every ones death glares.

"First off....where is Alice??" Carter asked.

"We don't know. Why do you ask?" Kayla asked confused. Me on the other side, started to panic. My heart sunk, uncontrollably beating faster. I then unconsciously started to walk forward and backward, then forwards then backwards. When I didn't see Alice with the others, the thoughts of her getting into bad conditions made me worry more. Carter told them what happened inside which made them curse in unison. I wanted to laugh from their unrecognized looks although there's no time for that right now. I didn't know what to do, I was so nervous at the fact that Alice wasn't with them but at the same time, angry to Emma.

I took my phone out and started dialling Alice's number. At first it was still ringing but I started to panic again when it went into a voice mail.

All of us the girls were trying to find ways to help me calm down. Once in awhile I would calm down. We all split into two to search for her everywhere. Before going to our separate ways we all agreed to go home and have rest first if there won't still be no sign of Alice until midnight. After an hour or so, they all went to their own places already and took rest while I on the other hand received a call from a bartender named Kathryn after two hours of searching.

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