Chapter 1

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MinYoung's P.O.V.
I was sitting on a seat inside the train. Luckily, I still had some money left to pay for a ticket, but it was the money from the loan sharks.

It was hard for me to leave Busan, I didn't want to leave all my memories behind nor did I want to leave my only home, but I had no choice. I could've decided to stay and let the loan sharks find me and torture me until I pay them back with the money I borrowed or I could've run away with the rest of the money and go to Seoul to find my dad.

I turned to take out the letter that I put inside my small travel bag. I slowly opened the fragile paper that was slightly ripped. I tried hard not to rip it even more because the letter was old. I started to read the letter again and again until I found a hint in where my father could be in Seoul.


Dear MinYoung,

You must feel betrayed and lonely without your farther by your side, but do not worry, because I will see you and your mother soon when my new life gets better in Seoul. When everything goes well, I will send you another letter explaining where I am. I promise you that we will see each other soon.

Don't lose hope in me MinYoung.


The letter was pretty short, it was so short that I was able to tell that my dad wrote this letter last minute before leaving us. Reading the letter reminds a lot of mom, how she cried when he was gone and how I tried to comfort her out of it.

I know that mother is taking care of me from up there. I also hope she's taking care of father and my older sister.

I slowly put the letter back inside my bag before closing it and looking out the window. My eyes started to become droopy as I looked at the outside view. Soon, without realizing it, I drifted off to sleep with a hint of hope in finding my dad again.


I was off the train with my bag on my back and with no idea of where I was. I mean, I knew I was in Seoul, but which place?

I wasn't really in the train station and I was walking around like a confused tourist. I looked around and saw a bunch of food courts which made me hungry. My tummy started growling so I decided to buy something, but something cheap.

In the end, I just bought a small bag of chips that satisfied my hunger, for now. I looked up at the sky and saw how it was getting darker. I had to quickly find a place to stay or I might end up sleeping on the streets.

Honestly, Seoul kind of looks scary at night. Well, maybe because I'm walking on the street where there aren't a bunch of people. I kept a smelling alcohol and smoke at every step I took. I even felt like someone was following me.

Out of fear, I took a peek at my back just to make sure I was safe. Unfortunately, I'm not the luckiest girl on earth, because there were two familiar guys walking behind me. When I say familiar, I mean REALLY familiar. I looked back another time to see their faces and that's when I knew who they were.

They were the loan sharks.

I started to fasten my pace a little even though I knew it won't help me because the loan sharks would do the same.

I went through my bag as I walked to see if there was any tracking device or something, I mean like, how did they know I was in Seoul!?

That's when it hit me.

They found my location on my phone.

I brought my phone with me. I'm so stupid. I should've left it at home.

Afraid of what would happen, I started to run. I heard the loan sharks yell and run after me. I didn't even know where I was going. My eyes were closed out of fear while my feet were running as fast as possible.

The next thing I knew, I found myself in the middle of the street with a speeding car heading my way. My body froze not knowing what to do. I suddenly felt a pair of hands pushing me out of the way making my head hit something hard on the sidewalk.

The last thing I remembered seeing was a handsome boy with black hair and dark brown eyes.

Chapter 1 has officially been published!

Thank you for taking your time to read this!

I know it's not much for a first chapter, but I can promise that the story gets better. All you need is patience 😉

Also, Thank you for giving love to my last book, WHO YOU ARE. It finally reached 500+ Votes!


Again, thanks for reading!
And if you can, please show your appreciation for this book and vote 😉

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