Chapter 5

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MinYoung's P.O.V.
We weren't inside the apartment building anymore. I was walking next to Yoongi looking down. I felt a bit afraid to come out. For a girl that can't remember anything, it is a bit terrifying to go outside for the first time.

"What's wrong?" I heard Yoongi ask.

I didn't say anything. I just kept walking while my lips were glued together. I didn't dare to look where I was going.

"Hey, watch out!" I heard Yoongi yell as he pulled me closer to him.

Our bodies were so close now. My head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me. I didn't understand this situation. My heart was beating rapidly as I listened to his heartbeat as well.

I immediately pulled away from him realizing what position we were in. I looked next to me and saw a light pole, my head could've been hit by it if it wasn't for Yoongi.

I stared at the poll for a few seconds before looking back up at Yoongi.

"Look in front of you when you're walking, you could get hurt." He said as he started to walk again.

I quickly caught up to him before he could disappear into the crowd.


"Wow," I said a bit speechless.

I was standing in front of a crowded place. There were little markets everywhere with sellers yelling to buy their products while others were pushing around to get the cheap stuff.

It was like a mall filled with stores, but outside. It seemed nice to go shopping outside on a sunny day. I liked it.

"Okay, I'm going to go buy ingredients and you go buy some clothes. Let's meet back in an hour at that ice cream stand." Said Yoongi moving his hands around to show me the directions.

We both parted ways although I felt a bit uncomfortable being alone. Yoongi gave me a bit of money, but I don't think I can buy a lot of clothes with it. I guess it's enough if I want to get something.

I didn't like the fact that the place was crowded. I didn't feel too well looking at that many people pushing around and stuff, so I went a bit further on the streets. I arrived at the section where there weren't many people around.

I walked around looking at the different clothes they had. They were nice, but the price counted first. As I was about to reach for a shirt hanging there, I felt someone place their hand on my lips. I tried to scream out of fear but all we could hear were fade mumbles. Another hand grabbed my arms and placed them behind my back so that I couldn't use them as a defense. The person started to drag me away from the people. No one seemed to notice that a girl was being taken away.

The person brought me to a corner of an alley where he pushed me to the ground. My arm scratched the bricked wall leaving a light scar on it. It hurt.

I looked up to see the person's face. They were two. One looked more muscular with black hair. He was wearing a dark brown coat that had a white shirt underneath. The other man looked less muscular, he must be the smart one. His hair was dyed blond and he was wearing glasses. His coat was shaded black and he was wearing a pair of gloves.

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