Chapter 17

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Knock Out

MinYoung's P.O.V.
"How about this?" I asked showing Yoongi a random shirt I picked.

"Stop picking random shirts and choose something that would suit you." He replied.

I pouted and put the shirt back in its place. Me and Yoongi came back to the shopping place outside so I could buy clothes. I mean, I can't keep wearing his shirts.

"Yah but it's not like the shirts you wear suits you either."

Yoongi made a hurtful face at my comment. He looked at his shirt and then at me still keeping his hurtful expression.

"Come on Yoongi, your shirt literally says 'lamb skewers are life'."

"Lamb skewers really are life." He replied.

I chuckled as I stared at him daydreaming about probably lamb skewers. I looked up and saw how it was starting to get dark.

"We should leave," I said.

"How about we get some lamb skewers on the way." Said Yoongi already walking ahead.

I smiled and followed behind him.


"Come faster! I want to eat the lamb skewers!" Yelled Yoongi walking with the bag of lamb skewers in his hand.

"I'm tired!" I yelled back.

Honestly, this is probably the first time Yoongi has walked so fast. I let out a frustrated sigh and ran up to walk beside him.

"Finally," he said ruffling my hair.

I laughed and looked ahead walking by his side. The streets were empty and it was really dark. I'm not surprised though, because it's pretty late. It kind of felt scary, there weren't many light polls that were on which made it look like those dark allies in the movies.

"Feeling scared?" He asked.

"N-No..." I Replied.

We kept on walking without saying anything. It was pretty silent, a little too silent.

"Yoongi?" I said.

I turned to look at him, but he was gone. The bag of lamb skewers he was holding was now on the ground. When I looked behind me, I found his unconscious body laying on the hard ground.

"Yoongi!!" I yelled.

I was about to run up to him, but I spotted a familiar man. He was standing next to Yoongi's unconscious body with something which had the form of a baseball bat in his hand.

"Good to see you again," said the man.

I immediately recognized his voice. He was one of the men who tried to hurt me last time. They wanted money from me but I didn't have any.

But something was wrong, there was one man, but where was the other?

Right when I was about to make a move, I felt something hit the back of my head hard. I was starting to see things in double and I was losing my balance. My body soon ended up on the ground, but I didn't black out just yet.

I looked up and saw the two men. My vision was a bit blurry but I was still able to recognize their faces.

"We told you that you would be seeing more of us" I heard them say.

Before I could say anything else, I lost sight of everything and blacked out.

Little did I know, this was the key to my lost memories.


My eyes flew open in fear and confusion. I remembered being knocked out, but it was weird, it was like I never fainted in the first place.

After my eyes had closed, I didn't see darkness. Instead, I saw memories. Everything I forgot came back to me. I remembered everything.

My hands were tied up tightly and so were my feet. I look beside me and I found Yoongi. He was also tied up but he was still unconscious.

Honestly, the two men who tied us up are pretty stupid. Who ties people with ropes now?
It's too easy to get out.

Since I couldn't find anything to cut the rope off, I decided to try and wake up Yoongi. I nudged him a few time but he wouldn't wake up.

"Yoongi!" I whispered a little loud.

I nudged him harder, but it was no use. I turned to the side and back away a little. I know he would get mad if I do this, but I have no other choice.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi," I mumbled before kicking him hard on the side.

"Ow!" He yelled.

I shushed him to make sure he would stay quiet. He made a confused face and looked around him. After realizing he was tied up, he understood the situation.

We heard people coming in and we immediately knew who it was.

"Looks like you guys are awake," said the muscular man.

"Let go of us," I said in a cold tone.

"Give us what we want first."

I sighed and tried to approach him. I looked at him straight in the eye with anger filling my body.

"I know exactly what you want. I just need more time. I will pay you back the money as soon as I find my father." I said.

The muscular man looked at the glasses guy for a while before nodding and looking back at us.

"Fine. You have one week."

The glasses guy untied us both and kicked us out of wherever we were.

I turned to look at Yoongi but he immediately wrapped his arms around.

"Yoongi..." I said shocked.

"I don't know what I would've done if they hurt you"

My eyes widen.

Was I really speaking to Min Yoongi?

My heart was beating faster and faster as Yoongi kept on hugging.

"Yoongi, I must leave," I said.

Yoongi pulled away from the hug but kept his hands on my shoulders.

"Okay, let's go home now." He said.

I let out a light sigh before looking back at him and giving him a smile with a hint of sadness.

"Yoongi, I need to go to Busan." I looked down. "I remember now..."


I think this chapter was a bit short, I'm sorry!

The next chapter might be longer.

(J) Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thanks for reading!

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