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God, I absolutely hate waiting. You know the feeling when life couldn't move any slower and yet somehow, it does?

Waiting in the airport is probably one of the worst places to wait. The bustling people, the queues, everything just gave me a headache. The voice from up above seemed to echo against the large walls of the terminal. Waiting at check in, I somehow already got hit by two trolleys, seven luggages and a pram.

"Annieee, we have to gooooooooooo"

My brother, as always being annoying and insisting. He was tugging on my shirt and pulling me towards the rest of my family. I gave him a glare and he let go and stuck out his tongue.

Basically I needed to wait for my best friend/crush to come and say goodbye. Yes, I know.

"Wow Anastasia, isn't it so cliché to like your best friend?"

Well, yes. But to be honest with you, everyone did.

Mike, one of the best looking boys in my old school. Tall, super sweet and could make your goddamn heart stop.

My phone rings. Shiz shiz, okay breathe.


"Annie? Look, where are you?"

"I'm in the airport." confused since he knew that I was leaving today.

"Wait what the... shi- okay I'm coming"

The call ends abruptly.

I pick up my luggage and smile. He always had a tendency to be late, but he's been like since he was little. I can't help but think of the memories... I bump into somebody and my luggage falls onto the ground with a loud bang. Everyone turns around for a second, then goes back to whatever they're doing. Of course it's the stupid idiot, Matt.

"Was that your boyfriend?" smirking Matt.

"Shut up you twat." I turn away annoyed and embarrassed since of course Matt would be teasing me about this. Matt's a family friend and is basically the reason why we're moving. He's going to the same school as I will be and had to explain that it was 'the best school in the country'. That and also my parents recently passing away made his parents my legal guardian. Great.

"Oh oh I'm so glad you're still here."

I turn around and there he is. Messy brown hair and the brownest eyes I've ever seen. His face seemed red from running, but yet he still looked good. With his height of over 6 feet, he stands over me with a panting breath. He smiles, and his eyes light up and the dimples start to show. I start to feel dizzy but smile back.

"Haha, yep here I am."

"I wanted to give something to you before you go. It's weird thinking that you're not gonna be there at school." He passes me a small box and a letter. "Don't read the letter until you're on the plane, yeah? It'll help distract you from the height."

I smile softly. He remembered my fear of heights. I try to open the box, wanting to open the box but he holds my hands before I could. My heart stops and I look up to him. His eyes look into mine, and all I see is sorrow. God, I could die right now and I'd be happy. We spend a moment in each other's eyes before he reaches down. He kisses my forehead and turns around. I watch him leave through the airport doors and away. Never seeing him again.

"Well, that was sad. Mostly hilarious. Gosh, when did your life become so sad, Anastasia Jones?" I can hear his stupid smirk somehow, so I turn around and stare him down.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe when my parents died, or maybe when I figured out that I was moving in with you. Oh oh, I know! The day you were born, Matt DiVara."

Matt chuckles drily. He grabs my luggage from the floor and walks towards the check-in desk. I can see that he's annoyed but I see a smile on his face and my nonexistent guilt fades away.

What, I can't help but hate him. He's an arrogant, piece of work. Unlike...

One day, I hope I can see Mike again. Maybe by then, I'll have the courage to tell him how I feel.

Hi guys. This is my first legitimate book and I'm excited to try. It's probably really bad so I'll warn you now. I'm not the greatest writer and definitely not the best planner so if the story seems overcomplicated and almost impossible to understand, then oops.

I hope you enjoyed so far, and see you for the next chapter.

- L

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