Chapter 2: Pretty outside, a demon inside.

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At lunch, I struggled to find Kiera and Sarah but I found them eventually sitting on a table close to the wall. I brought lunch from home that I packed last night - hallelujah - and started eating. Kiera and Sarah were talking about their Science class while was scanning the room. The popular group's table sat at the middle, with people talking and gossiping. They look like the typical group. But I really didn't focus on them.

A scrawny looking guy being pushed around by these buff guys and it didn't look right. He looked frightened and it hit something inside. I stood up and started walking over there. Everything seemed quieter as I approached them. Every time my foot hit the ground, the world seemed quieter. I tapped one of the guys shoulders and he turned around.

"Sorry, but what are you doing?"

I could seriously hear a pin drop as their face turned into confusion.

"Anastasia, don't get in-between them. They're just fixing a wrong."

I did a one-eighty and there was this sweet looking girl. Her fashion taste is impeccable and she seemed like someone I'd be friends with in my old school, but I know that looks aren't everything. I scanned her and raised an eyebrow. Her ombre hair flowing in curls down her back and she seemed elegant. Of course Clarissa was responsible. Pretty outside, a demon inside.

"What, practically beating someone up is the right? Sure, I have no idea what he did, but does he deserve violence? Probably not. So call your goons off Clarissa."

She chuckles sarcastically. "Why on Earth would I listen to you, loser? I'm me and you're you. Go. Run away and never show your face."

She fuels something inside of me.

"Why, because I'm not popular like you?"

"Wow," she exclaims. "I can't believe you finally understand. Do you also understand when I didn't want to be your friend that I never have and never will be your friend? I don't care that you think we were friends? Now, I just know that you're a psycho. Bye bitch."

With that, I punch her in the face. I can't stand her self confidence and arrogance. She falls and teachers burst in. They take me to the principal's office. Before I could leave the cafeteria, I hear complete chaos erupt behind me.

The rumors are gonna be bad tomorrow. I mentally sigh.

I mean, can you imagine it? "New girl hits barbie in the face" or "Crazy psychopath punches well loved girl into unconsciousness".

I enter the principal office waiting room. I hang my head low, not believing that I actually hit someone.

I haven't done that since third grade.

The secretary hands me an ice pack and I nod in thanks.

It took me sometime to look around. I didn't even notice the guy sitting next to me. He had his hat tipped down and looked as if he was sleeping. I wonder if he'd wake up if I poke him. So I poke him. He wakes up. Shiz. He looks at me with brown eyes, similar to my own, but he seems to recognize me. His hair kind of covers his eyes and the bags surroundings them. I haven't seen him before. I'm pretty sure.


"Sorry, who are you?"

He looks away, pained. I search my brain thoroughly but I can't remember him. He returns staring at me, almost memorizing my face.


The door slams open and a short stumbling man hobbled out.


"Uh, here." I turn to see Mr. Langer, the principal standing in the doorway to his office.

I stand up and walk over into the office. I look back and mystery guy and see him gathering his stuff. He glances at me with a soft smile. I swear I can see a glint in his eyes. Strange.

The principal closes the door and sits at his desk. I sit in the chair opposite and fiddle with my fingers. I wait for him to start.

"Anastasia Jones, it's the first day, isn't it? And yet somehow, you were able to cause complete chaos here in Madison. How is that possible?"

"I'm really sorry. Really I am. But I couldn't let those guys bully the boy. It wasn't fair. I wish I could say that I would take it back but I can't." I slowly start, but I regain confidence. "It's wrong to control people's life like God, especially when you believe that you're actually Him. It wasn't fair. I was standing up to my own thinking, and yes I don't believe in violence but in that case, I couldn't just let them continue." I feel exasperated. I look down, feeling defeated. I should've known that ranting to the principal wouldn't help. We both sit in the silence for a while.

"Well, for one: I agree, Anastasia."

Wait, did he say what I think he said? I glance at him.

"I know that sometimes we have to take a stand on what we believe in but we also have a no violence rule as well. I won't suspend you because of your impeccable record. But if something like this happens, I won't hesitate. Please refrain from taking your anger out on other people's faces."

"Yes. Thank you Mr. Langer." I say while standing up. He smiled at briefly while gesturing towards the door.

When I exit, I look for the guy. He's still there, and gets up once I go outside. He gives me a note and leaves. I open it, to see a phone number. Wow, this guy. I've never seen him before and he gives me his number? Girl. I place the note in my back pocket, having no intention of reading what he has written. Probably a stupid pick up line.

I get my phone out and dial Sarah's number. I have no coordination and needed someone to get me. I already knew that I called Kiera too many times. Before I could get too far, I feel a sharp pang of pain and the world goes black.


Nice cliff hanger? I have no idea what I'm doing. Anyways, I want to say thank you for voting and commenting! It really helps me see you guys as more than numbers.

What was your favorite part?

The next chapter will get more interesting. I promise :)

See ya soon,

- L

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