Chapter 8: Luke.

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I turn around to see the beauty of the Water's family legacy. Damn son.

He had the same build and height of Jace, maybe even taller. He seemed to have the aura of overconfidence and arrogance with him too, but he seemed more lethal. While with Jace stays out of the way, Luke seems like he purposely put himself in danger.

He seemed like, dare I say it?

The bad boy.

The only big distinguisher between Jace and Luke were their eyes; Jace had dark green eyes and Luke had ocean blue eyes. Both were mesmerizing, but Luke has more layers.

"Jace, why are you still here?" I feel frozen, either in fear or shock.

"Luke," Jace growled. "I'd rather you stay outside. Go."

"Now, little brother, why? It would mean that you're all alone with, what did you say her name is? Oh, Annie."

I could feel the anger coming off of Jace and thought, 'hmm that ain't good'.

"We'll be right outside." I could hear myself say. Luke glanced at me and then at Jace and chuckled. He walked out and left the room with tension you could cut with an axe.

"Who's that?"

"My brother. My twin. Whatever." He looks at his painting, staring at one spot, but unable to continue.


"He called me his little brother. I know. He's ten seconds older than me. Yay." he says sarcastically. I can see that I've opened an old wound and I feel more uncomfortable than I've ever felt.

"I-uh know that I said I'd stay, but-"

"It's fine. Go." he says harshly. I didn't want to go. Not really. But I feel like I'm meddling in other people's business. I leave the school and avoid eye contact with Luke, wherever he is. I drive home, hoping that this is all a big misunderstanding.


I enter the house and there's no one home. I need to talk to someone so I call Sarah and Kiera up. Sarah picks up.

"Hey Annie, what's up?"

"Oh. My. Blubber Nuggets."

"What happened?" I love how at this point, she knows my weird substitutions of swearing.

"Jace. Has. A. Fudging. Twin."



"Okay, breathe breathe."



I smile, and it momentarily distracts me from my panicking.

"What-what am I going to do?"

"Nothing. Maybe everything."

All I hear is a shuffling of papers and the occasional swear from Sarah. Trust me, she seems like the perfect good girl, but once you get to know her, she swears like a sailor.

"Sorry, I had to get comfortable. Anyways, you can't do anything. I mean, we've gone to this high school since freshman year and we've never seen his twin. How is that possible?" She says the last bit more to herself. "What he look like? What's his name?"

"His name is Luke and basically looks like a typical bad boy."

"Ooh, very snazzy. That, I can dig. What else, is he fraternal or identical?"

I roll my eyes. "Kinda identical? Except for the eyes, Luke's eyes are blue."

"Blue, huh?" I hear the clicking of a keyboard while Sarah's humming a tune of a song. "I can't find anything on him."


"Nada. Zilch."

After that, Sarah talks about her day mindlessly as she keeps trying to find him while I scroll through the web for a bit until I hear Matt come home. I say goodbye and hang up.

I run downstairs to see Matt limping across the room. I obviously scream.

"What the hell, sis? Shut up. I have a big enough headache as it is."

I sprint down the stairs, almost tripping on myself, and grabbed the medical box. Matt sat down on the couch, obviously in pain.

I examine his injuries. He had a large knife wound on his arm, not deep but long. There was blood coming from his lower chest. He takes off his shirt to reveal a deep stab wound. I curse in my head, not able to come up with substitutes and open the medical kit. I grab the antiseptic and pour it on the wound. Matt hisses in pain, but I continue.

"What the hell happened?"

"Not in hell, just on Earth."

I roll my eyes, and start to wrap the arm up. I look at the stomach wound and don't know what to do. I could stitch it up, but the last time I've stitched anything was when Mom was still alive.

"I could stitch it up, but I could mess it up. It's better if you go to the hospi-"

"No hospitals. No police." he spits out. I've seen him angry before, but nothing like this. I grab the needle, pulling the thread through the hole. I take a breathe and start to sew.


Three hours. That's how long it takes to do it. Matt kept yelling for me to hurry up, but I screamed back at how if he wanted me to puncture a vital organ, he better remain calm and shut up.

After the fifth time, he stayed quiet.

I feel exhausted, mentally and physically. After his 'operation', I helped him up to his room and into his bed. He falls asleep right away, and I go back downstairs to clean up. Sure, Michelle and David wouldn't be home for a bit, but I didn't want to leave the house in a mess.

The doorbell rings just as I finish cleaning the floor. I look up, curious as I'm not expecting anybody. Maybe it was the person who hurt Matt?

Well, I ain't going out there without a weapon. I look around, finding a magazine. I roll it up, and hope that my arm strength will be enough to beat this guy.

I open the door abruptly, and as I'm about to hit the person, I hear his voice.


Ooooh, who is it? I mean, who knows? Only time can tell.

Thanks for being supportive and sticking through, her life does get more mysterious and let me tell you, it ain't pretty.

Thanks for voting, commenting and reading the chapter!

See ya soon,

- L

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