Chapter 5: Just a little funky

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"You wanna hang out this weekend? My parents aren't here and we could have a movie night." Kiera asks. It's only the day after the prank on Jace but everything seemed to go well. I mean, sure he went berserk but I haven't seen him all morning and that brings relief.

I nod, "Yeah, that sounds amazing! I'll ask but I'm pretty sure I can come."

We reach my locker, they say goodbye and I unlock my locker. Once I open it, cockroaches spill out and I scream. Students start to gather and I see Kiera running back. I also see Jace in the back, smirking with a glint. I run towards him, but he's already running.

I run past a classrooms and run into the gym. Before I can get anywhere, I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around.


"Chicken McDinners?"

"Shh, that's not the point. COCKROACHES?"

"Did I tell you that I don't like being messed with?"

I grin at his awkward hair, how it's bright purple at the front and black everywhere else. His face seemed a different shade, with his dark purple eyebrows. He still looks amazing, just a little funky.

"Cockroaches, that's very serious. You know, some might call an exterminator, seems you have an insect problem."

"Cockroaches, though? That's taking it a wee bit too far."

"Oh, and slime and hair dye isn't 'taking it a wee bit too far'?" He asks, making quotation marks over 'taking it a wee bit too far'

"Maybe, but.. but..."

"Speechless, Jones?"

"Uh, no! Definitely not. In fact," I start. Oh, please no. "I have a couple things to say. First of all," I take a step towards him. "I really don't like how you think that you can prank me--"

"Actually, you pranked me first, remember?"

"Oh, yeah? It was only payback for HITTING ME WITH A WRENCH!"

"Actually, it was a pipe."

I sputter. "You can't just do that, cause you know what it means?" I take another step towards him. He smirks at my attempt of being scary. That just fuels my anger even more. "A never-ending war. Just because you couldn't admit defeat."

"Admit defeat? It was payback." It was his turn as he stepped closer to me. I don't like how he's starting to take control, so I whisper in his ear,

"Game on."


I have never tried stalking someone so much.

I learned his full name, Jace Waters. Other than that, I spent three hours trying to dig into his life. I asked Kiera to follow him and Sarah to talk to anyone who could tell me anything about him. I needed payback.

Every time I hit a block, I just remember his stupid good looking face, and that keeps me going.

Not how it's good looking, how smug and annoying it looks. Yep.

It's almost the four hour mark, and I'm about to give up. Ooh, Kiera's calling.

"Hey K, what's up?"

"Girl, you will not believe where Jace is right this second."


"This huge mansion. Like, it's massive. But I don't think it's his. He's ringing the doorbell."

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