Chapter 1: Thank the almighty chickens above

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School, where life punches you in the face. I never thought I'd do it literally.

I wake up to sirens and screams of bloody murder. I jolt, scanning the room and grabbed the nearest thing I have to use as a weapon. The sounds stopped, and I sigh. I feel the tired finally kick in. Being woken by sirens and a recording of screams somehow didn't feel to foreign.

I scratch my head, walking around my room with my eyes closed. I grab my phone from my table and decide to eat some breakfast. I feel a cold, sticky substance get into my hair and drips down onto my face. I stand there still, not really wanting to accept the fact that bright pink slime is in my hair.


"Hey, hey, language." Matt peered into my room with a smirk on his face and looked amused. "What happened here? You do know that it's your first day senior year and wow, you have..." he looks down at his watch, "fifteen minutes to get ready. Good luck."

He walks away with his stupid smirk and I breathed very slowly. I need to calm down otherwise I was going to do something very very stupid.

Like castrate him or break his neck. Breathe.

I quickly shower, not quite removing all of the slime, but I could do that on the bus. I get dressed as fast as possible and ran out of the door.

I look in the mirror. My average brown hair tied into a bun, nothing special. I was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a t-shirt. My mud brown eyes stared back at me, with tiny hints of gold. I don't put any makeup, knowing I'll botch it up somehow. I grab my bag and run out the door. I hear Matt in the background laughing at my hobbling type of running.

The bus was just about to close when I ran up the stairs and sat in the closest available booth.

Well, I didn't check if it was available.

"Oh. My. God. That's it, I'm gonna kill you" I hear under me. Under me? Shoot.

"I'm so so sorry, I really didn't mean it. I was running late and I didn't wanna miss the bus cause I won't have any other way to get to school and I didn't wanna be late. I'm so sor--"

"It's fine." I look up to see this brunette girl kinda being squashed and I scoot away. I laugh when I see that it's Kiera. She grins back and she offers gum. I gladly take it.

Kiera's my best friend. Ever since I joined the school three years ago, at the start of high school, she's been there for me. I remember the first day that I started school, how she had literally punched a girl for pushing me around. Ever since, we've been there for each other in the hell called high school.

Kiera's wearing a black leather jacket with black ripped jeans and a tank top. Guess the color? She even has her combat boots on, She has her earphones in, loudly listening to some hardcore metal meaning that she doesn't want to be bothered today. I give her a small smile and she nods.

Ever since her parents started to abandon her, she's had more of these bad moods. At the start, she used to come to my house to sleep over but now she stays home with her tub of ice cream. I mean, they do come back and visit but it's hard to imagine it's ever peaceful. I sit quietly, watching the scenery pass us by.

When I arrive at the school, I stick with Kiera. I know that I've been in this school for three years, but the first day always makes the hallways seem cramped and claustrophobic. There were so many students swarming the halls of this unbelievably large school. I tried to memorize some faces, knowing that I'll probably have a class with a few of them. Then I notice him.

He's standing by the locker, wearing dark blue shirt with jeans and a black beanie. He turns around has these beautiful captivating blue eyes. He notices that I'm looking at him and he stares back. He seems curious, with a spark in his eyes. I suddenly don't feel my legs until I'm being pulled away by Kiera.

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