Chapter 12: Jinkies

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I followed the trail. The forest lit up with laters, fairy lights, and light bounced off of the leaves, leaving a warm feeling. The cool autumn air breezes by but I don't shiver. I'm excited, but mostly curious. This Jace that made a light passage and went horse riding was different from the one I saw in school. At school, he was secluded, even in front of his friends. This Jace seemed... happier.

Definitely weird.

I mean, I only noticed him just last week, but he seems different to all the other guys in our school. They're jerks and playboys, jumping from one girl's heart to another. My god-brother is no exception. He plays with hearts as much as his basketball. I knew that Jace used to play basketball with Matt, that's where I think they met.

Why doesn't he play anymore?

But he was just, nice. I mean, I have no idea where I am and this path trails on what seems like forever. The forest seems like one out of a fairytale, and I can't imagine him setting this all up.

I urge Cottontail to keep going, and I finally reach a clearing. It's not large, about the size of a pond, with a picnic table in the middle and food on it. I get off of Cottontail and see that Mopsy is close by, tied to a wooden fence. I lead Cottontail close to her and take off her bridles. I trust her not to wander off to much.

I find that the picnic table is full of my favorite foods: ice cream, marshmallows, fries, waffles and my absolute favorite, mango. It seems perfect, and I look around, trying to find Jace.

"So, is this the date of a lifetime?"

I spin around to see Jace close to me, smiling. I smile back and look back at the food.

"This looks so good. How-how did you do all of this?"

"I used to come here a lot, remember? Plus, I didn't do all of it on my own, I got some help from your friend Sarah, was it? And maybe Kiera too."

I blush, damn they know my weaknesses. Cute boy, horses, food. Wait, cute boy? No, no, no. Mike is cute. Dylan O'Brien is cute. Zac Efron is cute. Jace Waters? Not. Cute.

Jace keeps shifting his weight, and even though he's close to me, he never looks at me. I know he's waiting for an answer, but I take my time because this is probably the last time I see him so nervous.

"Jace, I love it."

His face shoots down at mine. He smiles softly and places his hands by my waist. I look at him and he leans down, brushing my lips. I really wanted for him to kiss me, but he stayed there, lightly touching my lips with his. I wrap my arms around his neck and try to pull closer. Before I could move my head, he says,

"You're turn."


I storm over to Cottontail and get on her. I hear Jace laughing and calling out my name. I kick her and we're off.

I can't believe that, I mean he makes this beautiful show of perfection and amazingness and he just ruins it?

I think I'm more in distraught about myself. I mean, did I really think that Jace Waters would like me more than an enemy? Of course not. That jerk. And I can't believe that I actually wanted to kiss him.


I want to crawl in a hole and never get out.

I reach the field and into the pathway where I chased Jace before. It seemed so long ago where I was actually excited.

I can't believe I'm so stupid sometimes.

I reach the barn and see the man waiting by a bench. I dismount and hand him Cottontail. He looks confused.

"I was sure you two would be longer."

"Nope, just leaving now. Tell Jace I said bye."

With that, I leave. I grab the phone out of my pocket and call Sarah. It rings and rings until I'm left in her voice mail.

'Hi, this is Sarah. Leave a message but I'll probably not listen to it.'

"Sarah, I will kill you. You and Kiera both. And Jace. Just, call me back. I need a ride but I'll call Kiera first. See ya."

I hang up and proceed to call Kiera. If she doesn't pick up, I don't know who I'll call. Michelle and David are in LA and Matt's at his basketball game.

The phone rings and I plead that she'll pick up.

'This is Kiera. Don't leave a message, you'll take up room on my phone. Bye.'

I hang up and close my eyes in frustration. I know it's probably not their fault, but they made this stupid date and now I can't leave without Jace taking me home.


I hear hooves on the ground and I really don't want to see Jace's smug face. I call the only other number who I think can pick me up. He picks up in two rings.

"Annie? What's up?"

"Hi Mike. Uh, well I really need a favor."

I tell him and he stays silent for a bit and then hangs up. I guess that means that he accepts. All I have to do is hide until Mike gets here.

I can hear Jace's voice in the distance and start to worry. There isn't anything here except trees and...

Wait, the building.

I run in there and into the bathroom. I close the door behind me and slowly fall down to the ground. I hear the building door open and Jace and the man talking.

"Jace, what the hell? I mean, you spend almost all day yesterday planning, preparing, even talking to her friends and she comes running out in an hour?"

"I'm sorry Harry. I guess she didn't like me."

"Jace, that isn't the reason and you know. Did you do something stupid and idiotic?"

"No, I would never." I could hear the sarcasm drip onto the floor. I roll my eyes, of course it's still the same Jace.

"Jace, listen to me. I saw you today. I saw the way you looked at her and I know that it wasn't fake or for some ruse. You need to stop playing with her feelings and yours. It's hurting you and her."

My heart stops. Did he really look at me like that? It's not that I like him, not after what he did to me. And he's right, Jace can't just play with feelings, not like the rest of the guys in Madison. It's not right. But maybe, he's different?

"Uncle, it's only a girl." I can't breathe. He doesn't say anything and the silence is killing me. Unfortunately, my phone goes off, playing 'Perry the Platypus'.

"Jinkies." I mutter. I quickly pick up, hoping that they didn't hear. What if they did? Oh no, I'd have to leave this bathroom sometime and I can't go out now. Not when it would be obvious that I was eavesdropping.

"Annie, I'm here."

"Okay, I'll be there."

"Why are you whis-"

I hang up. Oh no no no.

I slowly open the door, peeking around the room. Maybe they were waiting for me to come out. But no one was there. I open the door and sprint to the car waiting at the entrance. I slam open the door, push my butt in and slam the door closed.

I was finally out of there.

Hey guys! I'm updating this one early so I don't have to tomorrow cause I've got studies and gosh school is hard. Life hack, don't procrastinate because it will bite you in the butt later.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Vote and comment, yep. The usual jazz.

See ya soon,

- L

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