Darkskin: Chapter One

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She's cute.

But she's dark skin.

She looks nice.

But she's dark skin.

Her hair long as hell.

But she's dark skin.

All the time you get complements but right after that you hear your skin color. Yeah, your skin is dark, but why should that matter. Every little statement that's made about you always has to have but she's dark skin. Following behind it.

Ones beauty,personality, anything, shouldn't be jeopardized because of their skin color. Some people learn that the hard way, and some people don't see that they're beautiful no matter what skin color they are...





"Ashton give me my phone child!" I yelled after my three year old son ; who wouldn't sit down for anything. I've fed him, bathed him, read to him but nothing is working. Now he decided to take my phone and run around the whole apartment with it. I'm debating if I should get up or just let him run around until he is tired. He's acting like I want to braid his hair or something.

There was a loud knock on the door. I groaned in frustration , then pulled the blankets back before getting out the bed.

I walked across the cold , hard wooden floor , then stood up on my toes looking out the peephole. It was King, he always decides he wants to come all late at night.

I swear I regret dating this light skin wanna be thug. Yes , he does run the whole south side, but I don't care he is not tough to me.

I opened the door looking up into his grayish green eyes. I'm not even going to lie , he looks very clean and nice tonight.

His curly hair sat on top of his head, and he looked nice in his baggy cargo shorts, pink Polo shirt and his bred 11's. One thing I can say about Kingston,  he's always dressed nice. When he looks like he likes to make sure we look nice as well. So , even though I hate when he does it , he buys me stuff to make sure I look how I want.

"I know I look nice, move girl." He licked his lips , eyeing my attire before walking past me. I was wearing a very revealing silk night gown. It was blazing , but I would've changed if I had known he was coming by here tonight.

"Please don't start with me tonight." I followed him straight to the living room area.

"Shut up, where is my seed?" He questioned sitting down on the couch. Like always , I rolled my eyes at him as I leaned my frame against the wall.

"Ashton your fathers here. " I spoke out loud enough for him to hear. I heard his little feet pitter pattering across the floor before he came through the threshold.

"Mommy did you change your phone password?" He stopped in front of me trying to unlock my pink, iPhone 5c. I kneeled down and grabbed my phone from him.

"Yes I did, look daddy is here." It's like when I said that everything else didnt matter. I am so happy I grabbed my phone before he dissed me.

He left from in front of me and raced over to where Kingston was sitting at. He climbed into his lap and smiled brightly up at him.

"When I put him to sleep I'm coming in there, ma. We have to talk about some shit." I waved him off going into my room shutting the door, while he headed to Ashton's bedroom.

There is so many things about Kingston and I. The main this is , we do not date. . . We broke up around the summer time of last year. Sadly , it's like neither of us can get over each other enough to fall for someone else.

We had broke up because of King. Every time we broke up it was because of King.  This time it was more than just something petty. He went out of town to go visit his dad , which was in Florida. I allowed him to go without me because I trusted him. I see that's where my biggest problem laid. He ended up cheating on me with some girl he used to talk too.

It's not like I found out about it early either. He told me about it almost three months after it happened. Soon as he told me I was done with him and I didn't want to see him ever again. Even though that couldn't happen because of our son.

My adopted brother/ best friend  knows I am in love with King; but he still tries his best to keep me away from him. He hates seeing me get hurt and that's the main thing that happened when I was with Kingston.

I personally think it's the time we invested in each other that keeps me tied to him. As much as I be wanting to move on , it's hard too. All I think about him, whether it's good or bad. Why put someone else through that when I love him?

About an hour passed and it was a small knock on my door. I looked up to see him walking inside the room.

He looked a tad bit irritated about something , but I didn't care. I should be the one with the smug look on my face. Even when he's not around he puts me through stuff. For some reason though , he's always the mad one.

"Ashley." He dropped onto my bed looking up at me. I didn't dare break the gaze from my cellphone.

"What Aaron?"

"I love you." My head shot up from the cellphone. I was not falling for his little tactics again and I hope he didn't think I was going too.

"You don't love me. You just tell me these things because you're here. You're going to go out and have sex with a bunch of girls again. All your friends think I'm stupid, all my friends think I'm stupid, everyone thinks I'm stupid. I keep dealing with you because I really love you and you keep breaking my heart." I didn't noticed tears were running down my face until I seen the drops on my phone.

"Remember that girl who called your ugly because you weren't as light as her? Remember all those girls who used to pick with you and tell you no one ever wants to be with you? Remember I was the one who took you because not only did I think your chocolate skin was beautiful, but because your personality? The way you smiled, your hazel eyes, your everything. I love you and I mean it. It doesn't matter how many bitches I fuck. You're going to be the one who keeps my heart. I fuck them because I don't have you." Like normal , after one of his speeches, he turned to me and gave me a kiss.

One of those I'm sorry and won't do it again kisses. He kissed me like he meant it , and I kissed him like I actually believed him.

But She's Darkskin ||Completed || BEING EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now