Darkskin: Chapter Two

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Chocolate skin, caramel eyes, and long black hair, that flows to the middle of her back. Dimples that sink deep into her cheeks, and makes the boys go crazy. Not skinny, but has a nice body. A small stomach that she can loose if she wants, and a nice shape. She inherits a lot of here traits from her mother, but her skin color comes from her Jamaican father, long hair comes from her Britain mother, who's eyes are as bright as the sun.

It was mid day and the snow began to fall from the sky. Ashton had his eyes glued to the outside for over thirty minutes. He's been waiting for it to snow since the summertime.

Kingston left this Morning, no we didn't have sex. I don't fully trust him and no we're not in a relationship. If he wants me he's going to have to work harder for me; harder than he had to work before.

When we first dated I was a sucker for his gray eyes and his cute smirk. Now I'm so over his features , and I want him to be a man.

I really want us to become a little family again. It's just the way his lifestyle is set up , it prevents him from settling down to just me. He talks about all he wants to do with us , but I can't truly believe him.

I can listen to him talk all the time. What he doesn't understand is all he is saying is words and he's doing nothing to prove to me he means it. Actions speaks louder than words.

I show him how much I want him, even when I don't want too. Everything about Aaron I love, His smile, lips, personality, just him all around. I know every little thing about. From his favorite color to the little wrinkles he gets on the side of each of his eyes when he's angry. I notice every little detail about him, he used to have braces because of his crooked teeth. Everything.

The crazy thing is he goes out and has sex with girls, who know nothing about him. These little hoes just want his money, while me....

I don't want his money. He just offers and forces me to take it. Plus on the other hand , he's the type to get me fired from my jobs on purpose. It's annoying though because I like to fend for myself. He just hates seeing me out and can possibly find someone to replace him or something. I've personally stopped applying for jobs because it looks bad when they see I've been fired so many times do this boy.

I am in love with Aaron I really am , but one day he understands it, next day he doesn't. He's so backwards, but that's how he's always been.

"If you love him, you love him. Just make sure he knows that. He probably just needs help getting the message that you're the only girl for him." Elijah always tell me this same thing, but I don't know how to do it.

"Yeah Yeah, I know. Have you seen mommy and daddy lately?"

"Yeah, they want to see you and the baby soon. Daddy isn't doing too well. He's been in the hospital twice this week already." I sighed.

"Alright, I'll go see him tomorrow. I got something to do today, and Ashton wants to go to his dad house. He's being smart because he knows I don't allow him over there without me."

"Why?" I wanted to slack him. He knows exactly why I don't want my son over there alone.

"His house is on the biggest drug block ever. I'd rather be there with him, but let me call you back he's calling me."

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