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"I'll have to make some adjustments to your dress again, could try to not gain any more weight for now? At least until after the wedding. We need this dress to be perfect and constantly adjusting it defeats that purpose" Semi laughed a little as she eyed my wedding dressed critically.

"Sorry, I've been stress eating" I lied easily. She smiled at me "I want to say I understand but I can't. However, I've been around a lot of brides and I've seen what the stress of wedding preparations did to them. Just try to not let it get the best of you, and remember I'm always here in case you need to relieve yourself" she said.

"Right, is that all?" I asked uncomfortable with the way she was smiling at me. We weren't friends or anything, even if I was getting married to her brother.

"I still don't understand why your weight has been fluctuating. It's only been two weeks since the last dress fitting and it's like you're two sizes different.  I'm all for the stress relief and all but the eating part, not so much. Maybe you should consider a low carbs diet" she suggested.

Really? She was going to do this now? After she just assured me that I could confide in her. I looked away from her trying to hide the fact that I was pissed.

"I'll handle it. The stress eating was just a phase, I'm over it now" I said rolling my eyes.

"Whew, glad that's over because I don't think I want to make any more adjustments. That aside, do you like the dress, would you like to change anything? She asked

How about everything, I wanted to sigh but I kept my opinion to myself. I didn't know how she would react and I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

The dress was so not me, sure it was a beautiful dress and it complimented my figure but I hated the way it clung to my figure, the way it cinched my waist to make it slimmer than it was, the way it made my boobs look larger.

The design would be lovely on someone else, someone who was into this kind of dress. It just didn't suit me. It made me look different, in a way I didn't like.

And this was just the dress, I imagine that by the time the makeup artist and hairstylist are brought into the mix, It would be unbearable.

"It's lovely and no, I wouldn't change anything. Thanks," I said quietly.

"You don't need to thank me Arinola, we are sisters. And this is just one of my wedding gifts for you. Now that we're done with the wedding dress, you haven't decided what you want to wear for the reception or the after-party" she said.

"Umm...You're the designer here. I'm sure anything you decide on would be fine"  I said.

"What happened to you insisting on picking the designs you wanted for your dress? I don't know if it's the wedding jitters, nerves, or something else Arinola but you've been so odd these days. Wale wanted to know if everything is fine, if the whole arrangement is too hasty or if there's something you don't like. He says he doesn't know how to tell you or talk to you because you've been distancing yourself from him. Is everything alright Arin? you can talk to me or my mum even. It's your wedding, the most memorable day in your life and we want to do any and everything for you, anything to make it your best day ever" Semilore took my hand.

I pulled my hand away nervously, the familiarity was something I wasn't comfortable with.

'Your brother can't help me with this one, my parents will kill me if I dare mention the problem to him' I thought.

"I'm fine, like you said it's my nerves and wedding jitters. My anxiety level is high, I just want everything to go well" I responded faking a smile.

"Everything will be perfect I promise, stop stressing and don't gain any more weight," She says sternly with a small smile on her face.

I nodded and stepped into the dressing room to remove the dress. The relief I felt as I took off the virginal white dress and made with lace and the finest of silk was exhilarating. I looked at the ring on my finger and longed to take it off that way too.

I picked up the dress that pooled at my feet and stared at it. It was probably the most expensive thing I owned.

There was a criss-cross pattern at the back of the dress that was embellished with diamond stones and silvery threads. While the bodice down to the waistline of the dress was corset-like and designed with more diamonds that were obviously not fake. Not to mention the diamond-encrusted headband I was expected to wear along with the dress.

It's freaking extravagant! I should love it but I don't, I hate it.

Thank God I'll be wearing it only once, if luck shined in my direction I won't even have to wear it.

I suppose telling Wale my problems might be a possible solution but I just couldn't bring myself to. Why? Well, one reason was that I wasn't sure I could trust him, the second reason was my parents.

The need to please the family, to redeem myself was paramount over anything. Telling Wale or anyone else anything would mean betrayal.

I quickly slipped into my yoga pants and rolling stones T-shirt and stepped out of the dressing room holding the dress in my hand. I handed it over to Semi and told her I was leaving.

"How about Anita and Oluchi, when will they come for their fittings? I thought you were all were going to come together" Semilore asked.

I have no idea about them or whatever they were up to, I haven't talked to them. It felt uncomfortable to talk to them so I'd made no move to communicate with them regarding the wedding or anything else.

"Why don't you call my mum, you have her number right? She'll arrange everything with them" I suggested.

"Oh okay, so do you have anything to wear for the family dinner tonight? I could find you a dress now and ask my stylist to handle your hair and makeup" she offered.

I stared back at her confused because what the hell was she even talking about. What dinner?

"Why do you look a little lost, didn't Wale tell you about the dinner already? He said he had, It's time for you to meet the rest of the Solades" Semilore grinned excitedly.

"Yeah he just, slipped my mind that it was today. There are so many things on my mind these days" I let out a breath.

Family dinners and family members were the worst combos ever, I could tolerate anything but that. I hated anything that had to do with extended family.

The worst part was the Wale guy hadn't even mentioned it. He could have given me a heads up or something. Thank God his sister had mentioned it, I'll just call him later in the day to cancel. I would think of an excuse later because right now I couldn't think of anything.

"Do you have a dress and have you booked a stylist already? My aunts will be there and they are total divas, you have to bring your A-game. Anyway I trust you, you're a fashion killer yourself"

I nodded in Semilore's direction and walked away quickly before she asked any more questions.

I need to breathe, I need to get away from all these strange people.

I needed something familiar.
Something that would make me feel sane again because I felt like I was going crazy these days.

I got into the car and drove out of the premises hastily.

Screw speed limits, today I would be the reckless woman who cared about nothing else but herself. Today, I wasn't  Arinola.

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