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Anita has been a strong tower for me, she surprised me with her kindness and generosity. But then, she has always been kind to me right from high school. Even when Arinola and her Posse bullied me, Anita would always stand up for me.

When I left Wale's house, I didn't know where to go and I didn't want to go back to my parent's house, so I had called Anita.

She had happy to help me and had told me that I could stay with her for as long as I wanted. I've been with her for six weeks now.

She's an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend. I'm leaving next week, there's nothing here for me now.

I hadn't gone abroad immediately after leaving Wale because a tiny part of me had hoped that Wale would contact me and tell me he has forgiven me or something.

That part of me must have been really stupid because Wale has moved on. Besides, I had deceived, used and hurt him so why would he want to take me back anyway?

I'd spent time stalking him online on every social media platform and gossip blog and I'd found several pictures of him and other women having the time of his life.

It's high time I move with my life, I'll go back to the states and focus on my work. I'll save a lot of money and get a better house.

I'll take care of Uncle Jerry, but most importantly I need to start making plans for my baby.

Yes, I'm pregnant with Wale's child, I've known for a while now. I found out weeks before I divorced Wale, I didn't tell him before and during the divorce because I'm not going to be that woman who traps a man who doesn't love her with a baby.

Besides my parents were planning to use a baby to exploit him so it's probably best for the baby should remain a secret. Maybe I'll tell him later or maybe not.

I might not know how to take care of a baby but I know I'm going to be the best mother ever. I won't be like my mother that's for sure.

I won't put my child through what my parents put me through, he or she won't ever feel unloved or unwanted. Father or no father my baby is going to be loved.

"Kiki darling, I'm going out on a date" Anita called loudly from her bedroom.

I was just in the living room so I walked over to her bedroom and peeped into her room to check her out. I whistled loudly in admiration and she laughed.

Anita is a hot chick, I wonder why no man has snatched her up yet.

"Good enough?" she asked smiling.

"You're killing it sister" I grinned.

"Thanks, baby. So what do you want me to get you on my way back?" she asked.

"Cold stone ice cream, fried plantains and groundnut" I moaned hungrily. Okay maybe I'm not even hungry, I've just been craving that all day.

She gave me a weird look and shook her head in disbelief.

"Okay... I never want to get pregnant, Ewww your cravings are just yuck and disturbing!" she said making a face like she was about to throw up.

I laughed at her dramatic expression "They're not that bad" I said.

"Sister you were eating boiled eggs and crackers the other day.
How about the fried shrimps and apple episode? Your cravings are terrible " she said shaking her head.

Okay, maybe my cravings are a little weird, just maybe.

"Anyway, anything for my future godchild," she said picking up her matching Ankara purse.

"Have fun on your date darling," I said cheerily.

"I will, do take care of yourself. I'll soon be back home" she said walking out of the room.

"Okay, bye," I said in a raised voice before making myself comfortable on the bed.

The bell rang barely an hour later, could Anita be back so soon?

Maybe she forgot something and came back to get it, but why would she ring the bell instead of just walking right in. She was with her key after all.

I went to the door and unlocked it. I was about to throw a remark when I saw who was at the door.

It wasn't Anita but a young man in black and white clothes. From the looks of it, it was a uniform.

"Delivery for Miss Okikiola Ajisafe," he said holding a package under his arm.

Okikiola Ajisafe? I'm not an Ajisafe anymore.

I've discarded that cursed name and I want nothing to do with that family or their name.

"Just Okikiola, delivery from who?" I asked.

"I don't know, I'm just the delivery guy ma'am," he said.

I took the package and signed on to the register he gave me.

"Bye ma'am" he called out as he left. I nodded and went back to the room with the package.

'Who could have sent me this package?' I wondered looking at the package closely. I couldn't think of anyone who would send me a package. Asides from Anita, I had no friends in Lagos and my ex-husband wouldn't send me a package. Not while he was still mad at me and wanted nothing more to do with me anyway.

I unwrapped the package to reveal a box. opening the box, I saw a red jersey folded in it.

I took the jersey out of the box, my breath hitched when I saw the name printed on the back of the jersey 'OKIS'.

There was also a note in the box, I noticed it when I took out the jersey and picked it up. The writing was unfamiliar as I read it aloud.

'I miss you, can't stop thinking about you. Red, because you love Manchester and because I love you

My heart must have stopped for a few seconds after I read the note.

Wale? It had to be him, I mean who else would send me a jersey and a note saying he loves me?

He missed me and he can't stop thinking about me. I missed him too and I equally can't stop thinking about him, about us, about the moments and bond we share, shared rather.

Oh my God, I must be dreaming. Does this mean he's forgiven me and he wants to try again?

'Because I love you...' I read the note over and over again.

I must be dreaming.

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