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I was awake but they didn't know that my dad was pacing up and down.
I listened for familiar sounds but the place sounded so foreign. Where was I again? I know I'm not at home, the air felt and smelled different.

"Calm down, my husband, try to calm down. With the way you're taking this thing when Wale comes he'll be suspicious" My mother said.

What is she talking about?

"I will kill her," My father said angrily.

Uh oh, what did I do this time? I was sure he was talking about me.

"No one is killing anybody, you have to be careful with this matter. We can still salvage the situation" My mother opposed.

What situation? What were they talking about? I wondered.

"What if wale is responsible? We're not yet sure of anything, we just have to stay calm till she comes back " my mother begged my father.

Responsible for what, am I, could I be...? No, no there was no way.

"If Wale was responsible, she wouldn't have planned to escape with her useless good for nothing lover, this is why she was planning to escape" my father yelled.

"Honey, go and talk to the doctor, this thing has to be kept a secret. No one must know or hear about this, Wale especially" My mum said.

Am I pregnant? Oh my God, oh my God! What the hell, this baby chose to come, now? Of all times! It can't be true.

What if it was true, what if I was pregnant? For real, I haven't had my period. The headaches, the dizziness, and nausea, how could I have ignored all that?

Amid the chaos, another chaos has been born, this baby sure had shit timing.

If It is true that I'm pregnant, Wale isn't responsible.

I have always forced him to use protection, Osaze on the other hand, well, Osaze does whatever he wants and never listens to me.

"Go to the doctor honey, tell him that this news has to be kept between us.  Also, ask if an abortion can be arranged quickly" my mother urged my father.

"I'll do that, in the meantime, wake that girl up and make her talk. We need to know who is responsible for the baby before we proceed with an abortion. I'll be right back" My father said.

I heard the sound of his footsteps leaving the room, I expelled a tiny breath once he was gone.

"This girl will not kill me, I thought she was smart. How could she get pregnant? This stupid girl has ruined me" my mother wailed.

I felt a sting on my hand, she'd hit me. My eyes flew open.

"What is it?" I rasped, my voice sounded foreign to me.

"Arin, you're pregnant" She spat.

I swallowed hard, to hear it from her confirmed my fears. I was pregnant with Osaze's baby.

"You're pregnant and you're six weeks gone. Anyway, your father has gone to talk to the doctor, hopefully, we'll be able to fix your mess" she said.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't even know how to react.

Should I jump for joy? I'm having Osaze's baby, surely we could work things out now and get married, just like I wanted but what did that mean for Wale and my Parents?

Should I weep and panic?
I've ruined my father's plans, he will surely kill me now.

"Is it for Wale?" she asked looking at me intently, I saw hope in her eyes but I had to tell the truth.
I shook my head slowly, the flicker of hope in her eyes died as quickly as it had come.

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