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Femi didn't like me, he hid it well whenever Wale was around but when it was just the two of us,  he didn't bother to hide it. He knew I knew he hated me but he didn't care.

He came over to the house every Friday along with two other Chike and Kelvin, they were all Wale's friends

At least Chike and Kelvin were friendly and polite.  Femi on the other hand was an asshole.

They always fooled around playing games and doing what men do with their free time before heading to their favorite bar. Femi owned the bar, good to know that he was another moneyed prick.

Wale usually came back as late as noon whenever they visited the bar, not that I've ever complained. I liked my privacy. His being away gave me time to think and do other things.

Today he'd informed me that he wasn't in the mood to go to the bar and asked me if I could make dinner for the guys.

Though I hated the request, I'd conceded. It was very rude of him to assume that I'd want to spend my Friday cooking for him and his friends. But I was his wife and I was walking on a thin line already. I dreaded the thought of me pushing him so far that he God forbid called my parents to intervene

"Sure, you guys go do your thing I'll call you when I'm done cooking " I replied.

"Thanks, babe, you're the best" he kissed my cheek.

"I'll just go to the grocery store to grab some ingredients we don't have here and  I'll be back in a bit," I said biting the inside of my cheek.

"Should I come with you? I don't like you going out alone late at night" he offered.

"No it's fine, it's not that late," I said picking up my car keys and walking out of the kitchen.

"Alright, see you soon" He called after me before going to the pool to join his friends.

I stopped at the 'Unusual' cuisine and picked up my order before heading to a grocery store to pick a few things I wouldn't even use. 

The first time I'd offered to cook for Wale, I'd waited till he left the house before picking up my phone to search for a five-starred restaurant that sold African cuisine.

I'd found the Unusual cuisine, their restaurant was not too far from the house and not too close to the house. I'd gotten their Jollof rice and beef pepper soup.

Wale hadn't suspected anything during dinner, he'd enjoyed the meal and showered with me with praises and endearing words while I sat there trying not to confess that I had bought the food. I knew it wouldn't be a regular thing because we had a cook, she just didn't work weekends.

There was no traffic on my to and back from the restaurant so I got home in record time. 

Wale and his friends were still in the pool when I snuck into the house and the kitchen.

I brought out two pots from the kitchen cabinets and hastily brought out the packaged foods. 

God help me,  Emem needed to start preparing food for Friday nights and weekends like this. I couldn't do this all the time, I could get caught, and then what would I tell Wale.

On Fridays, she only prepared breakfast and lunch before leaving as early as three in the afternoon, I'll have to work on her cooking schedule.

I heard the sound of someone clapping from behind and turned quickly at the sound.

It was the devil, Femi. I hissed picking up the empty containers and dumping them in the trash can.

"Wale said his wife was preparing dinner,  I bet he doesn't know his wife pretends to cook the food when she really buys it from restaurants" he scoffed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked putting the pot of food on the gas cooker to heat the food a little.

"You're a scheming bitch, I don't know how he doesn't see that. How you've managed to wrap him around your finger that he believes every filthy lie you tell him is what I just can't figure out" Femi spat.

I glared hard at him, he was always so judgemental. Well, I couldn't really blame him for hating me, I wasn't really helping my case.

I knew Wale's friends weren't fond of me but Kelvin and Chike hid it quite well,  Femi didn't bother. I always noticed the disgust on his features whenever he saw me or whenever Wale complimented me in his presence.

"Get out of my Kitchen," I said upset.  I wasn't new to his name-calling but I wasn't used to it either. And I wasn't going to tolerate it in my own house, my own private space.

"You disgust me,  you're the most disgusting and pretentious person I've ever met.  I wonder how he lives with you, you're just a fucking piece of trash" he spat looking at me with hateful eyes.

He walked to the fridge and pulled out four cans of beer before leaving the kitchen.

I tried hard not to cry but the tears slipped out anyway. 

I wiped my face hastily and turned back to stir the pot of vegetables and fried snails.

"Thanks a lot for dinner Arin, the food was delicious. Now I know why Wale married you so quickly. Selfish bastard did it for his stomach, so he can eat delicacies for the rest of his life" Chike joked as I cleared out the plates from the dining table.

Wale grinned elbowing Chike in the ribs playfully.

"I should send my wife over, she could learn a few things from you," Kelvin said, he thanked me again.

"You're welcome" I muttered.

I looked at Femi's plate and saw he'd barely eaten. I picked up the plate without looking at him.

"What's wrong Femi? I thought you were hungry" Kelvin asked.

"Not really, I'm good.  The food was nice, I didn't know delicious meals like this could be cooked so quickly. How did you manage to cook this up in just thirty minutes?" Femi asked, he wasn't looking at me but he was talking to me and I wasn't going to reply to him anyway.

"Arinola is a professional cook,  I thought you knew this already Femi," Wale said. He stood up and helped me take the dishes to the kitchen.

I won't be surprised if Femi tells the guys now that Wale is absent from the table that I hadn't really cooked the food. 

I won't be surprised at all, he wanted to ruin me by all means.

I'm actually surprised he didn't mention it to Wale, he'd have proof after all I'd not emptied the trash can. 

He's probably working on something else, something that will get me out of Wale's life for good.

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