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"You're going to give her an A in English," I told the English teacher, Mr. Clement, in an eerily calm voice.

I didn't need to yell, he could hear the threat in my voice. He knew what I could do to him if he refused my request, I knew his dirty secrets. What he did with the junior boys after school and he knew what would happen to him if word got out.

"That's impossible, the girl is hopeless. Okikiola can never that kind of a good grade. If I give her an 'A' it'll be unbelievable and suspicious" the man shivered. "How will I explain that to the school board?" he asked me.

"I don't know Clement, manipulate her script and make it believable," I said.

"Then she would know she didn't merit it and foul play was involved, there's no way I can give her an A in English. The girl is a dullard" he protested.

"If you say that again, I'll punch your shitty, ugly ass face" I threatened.

"I'm sorry but try to understand, I could lose my job" he pleaded.

"If I give away your secret, you'll lose more than your job," I said.

"I know but please try to understand what I'm telling you. Giving her an A will draw so much unwanted attention" he said

"Fine then, give her a C," I said.

"Okay, no problem. I can do that" He said nodding frantically. I hissed and walked out of his office.

I don't care if I have to dig up everyone's dirty secrets and threaten all the teachers and students in this school, no one will call Kiki dumb again.

I knew everything I did was worth it when the results came out.

The expression on her face was worth it, Arinola and I were on the field that day.

The vain princess had been trying to convince me to go see a movie with her when Kiki ran over to us.

"Riri look, I got a C in English" she held out the report sheet. I looked at her with pride and tried to hold back my smile. Her happiness was my happiness and I lived for it. I'd been about to congratulate before Arinola opened her stupid mouth to hiss.

She turned to look at her sister, a scowl on her face.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that stupid name, can't you even see I'm busy? Who cares if you got a C, it doesn't change the fact that you're a dumb bitch" Arinola spat.

I was shocked, why would she say that to her sister? Okikiola was her twin, she didn't deserve such meanness. Even if the entire school hated her, she should have protected and defended her sister with the same energy Okikiola used to defend and protect her. But the stupid, ungrateful brat was just like the other students in this school.

Okikiola's excitement died that moment and for the first time since I've known her, I saw weakness, helplessness, and hopelessness.

Her shoulders dropped and she crumpled the report sheet, she looked near to tears.

"Sorry" she whispered and ran away.

I turned to Arinola angrily.

"Forget about that, I still can't believe she's my sister. Back to what I was saying" she continued smiling as if she had not just insulted her sister.

I glared at her

"How could you say that to your own sister?" I asked.

She paused a bit surprised that I asked.

I'm not surprised, nobody cared about Kiki's feelings in this school, not even her own bloody twin sister.

The poor girl always struggled to please everyone but no one really cared, no one except me.

"I, I didn't mean it. I'll apologize to her later. I was just joking, we joke like that all the time. She'll be fine" she said.

She didn't sound remorseful.

"By the way, you never called. This time let me have your number so I can call" she continued.

This girl is a terrible person, I shook my head. Thank goodness she wasn't my sister because I'd have taught her a lesson a long time ago.

"I need to go Arinola, I'm really not in the mood anymore" I walked away. I had to find Kiki and talk to her. She needed me now and I wouldn't stand here wasting my time with this

I wanted to scream at her, tell her how much I hated her for hurting the love of my life but I held myself back.

I wanted her to warn her to stop stalking me but I don't think her sister would like it if she found out I'd offended Arinola.

To be honest, the only reason I'm nice and tolerating the spoiled brat is that she's Kiki's sister.

I'd do anything to make Kiki happy, anything even if it involves taking a life.

I ran towards the canteen where I was sure she would be and saw her there standing by the wall with her head against the wall.

I touched her shoulder gently and she turned to me, her eyes were wet and she tried to brush her tears away but I stopped her. I wanted her to be vulnerable with me, I wanted her to know she could trust me that I could comfort her.

I pulled her into my arms and consoled her. "It's okay, it's alright. I understand, let it all out if you want to" I cooed.

Just then One of Arinola's minions walked into the canteen and cleared her throat. Kiki pulled away immediately and looked at me in shock like she couldn't believe she'd let her guard down with me of all people.

"I'm sorry I didn't think that anyone was here," the girl said. It was after school already and the canteen was empty, with no student or worker on sight save for the three of us.

Kiki shook her head and ran out of the canteen. I glared at the minion, I wanted to slap her teeth out of her mouth. She'd ruined my moment with  Kiki.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked her.

"Sorry, senior Osaze," she said and ran out of the canteen.

Despite our ruined moment, I looked at the bright side. Kiki and I had shared a moment and it had been special, it definitely marked the start of something new.

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