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Richie: eddie spaghetti how are on this fine day

Eddie: hola richard

Richard: man of many languages I see

Eddie: fuck no all I know how to say is 'hi' and 'my name is'

Richie: so technically I can say anything I want to you in Spanish and you wouldn't know what i'd be saying ;)))

Eddie: well yes but there's a thing called a translator dumbass

Richie: ok smartass, I have a question for you ed's

Eddie: and what might that be tozier??

Richie: would you like to come hang out with bill, stan, bev and I?

Richie: you can bring ben and mike if you would like

Eddie: uh sure

Eddie: where at?

Richie: derry park

Eddie: alright be there 10

Richie: great can't wait to stare at your cute tiny ass some more ;)

*after the park in the gc*

Stan: well that was fun guys

Richie: stan all you did was admire and fanboy over the amount of birds that were there

Stan: yes, that was fun

Ben: thanks for inviting us

Mike: yeah I liked hanging out with you guys

Richie: of course my young fellows, I richie tozier thought of an idea and twas a good idea

Bill: richie just wanted to hang with eddie tbh

Eddie: is that true hmmmmmm

Richie: stop exposing me bill you whore

Richie: ed's you said I ignored you, I am not ignoring you anymore

*mike to eddie*

Mike: dude I saw you staring at richie the whole time at the park

Eddie: thank god richie is so oblivious

Eddie: and that you were the only one

Mike: um yup I was the only one......

Eddie: mike wtf do you mean

Mike: bill saw

Mike: he saw me looking at you guys once and looked over and noticed how you were looking at him

Mike: but don't worry I talked to him and he's not gonna say anything

Eddie: well shit

Mike: just act like nothing happened, ok

Eddie: yeah alright, bye mike

*bill to richie*

Bill: rich

Bill: richieeee

Richie: what do you want billagen

Bill: do you like eddie

Richie: um I literay invited him to hang out with us ofc I like him you dumb fuck

Bill: no like do you like him like him

Richie: no why do you ask

Bill: just curious

Richie: billlllll
Richie: fuck you

*richie to eddie*

Richie: bill is being strange do you know anything about this

Eddie: no, why is he being strange

Richie: he asked if I liked you

Eddie: oh

Richie: yeah ik

Richie: I told him no of course we are just friends

Eddie: ok

Richie: we are just friends right ed's

Eddie: well yeah, I don't like you like that either so we're good

Richie: ok cool

*richie to stan*

Richie: bill just asked me if I had a crush on eddie

Stan: well do you

Richie: no

Stan: then why do you care so much that he asked you

Richie: I don't know I just never thought anyone would ever ask if I liked eddie that way

Richie: I mean yeah he's funny, sweet and short but I don't like him in that way

Stan: oh richie tozier and his love for short people

Richie: oh and his ass is also tiny

Stan: so you do actually stare at it??

Richie: yup, and I stare at yours too ;))

Stan: gross

*eddie to richie*

Eddie: richie do you like anyone

Richie: uh no why

Richie: does ed's have a crush on me ;)))))

Eddie: you wish

Eddie: I'm asking for a friend

Richie: ohhh???

Richie: now who might this friend be

Eddie: her name is Scarlett

Richie: Scarlett Black???

Richie: she's hot

Eddie: yup that's her

Richie: well thanks ed's I owe you if we fuck

Eddie: no problemo

Richie: now I thought you didn't know spanish

Eddie: adios

Eddie hoped Richie didn't go up to Scarlett tomorrow at school, or Richie might find out a secret that could ruin their friendship.

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