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this chapter will be no texting so I hope you guys like my writing and hope it's not terrible ahh. The whole chapter will be in eddie's pov

We walk into the waiting room of the hospital to see Stan, Bev and Bill sitting a corner. Bev is the first to see us and comes running over to me with red puffy eyes. She embraces me into a huge hug and start's to cry, which makes me cry even more.

"Is he out of surgery?" Mike asks, as Stan and Bill walk over towards us patting me on the back while Bev won't let go of me. "No, the doctor came out about 10 minutes ago saying that so far everything was going well and that it should be only a few more hours." Stan tells us looking distraught. I can't blame him, he was the one who Richie texted, who called the cops.

"How soon after can we see him?" Those were the first words out of my mouth since we left Mike's house. "We don't know yet, most likely not till the morning." Bev says pulling away from the hug and wiping her nose. "Mike do you think you could bring a pillow and blanket here sometime tonight?" I ask looking around as everyone looks at me strange.

"You're staying overnight?" Ben asks me. "Yeah what else would you do if uh, uh he's my best friend of course I am." I almost let it slip. "Eddie we know you like Richie." Stan looks up at me with a smile.

"Y-you what?! How" I glance at Mike, then Ben onto Bev. "It was me, you'll understand why tomorrow." Everyone gives me smile, they know something. "Something's going on and I'm afraid to find out. But as I was gonna say, of course I'm staying overnight wouldn't you if the person you loved was hurt." They all aw as Ben gives me a hug.

"Of course I'll bring you over a blanket a pillow Eddie, I'll do it right now as surgery won't get out for another few hours. Anyone else need anything?" Everyone shakes their head no as they were only planning on staying until they knew he was going to be alright. "Make that two pillows and blankets?" Stan chirps in. "Oh yeah no problem. You staying overnight too?" Stan nods as I go over towards him and give a hug.

"He'll be ok, you did the right thing, you know that right." I whisper into his ear only imagining what he was thinking. We all go sit down in the chairs in silence waiting for 4 more hours. When the doctors come out all of us stand up as they make their way towards us. "How is he?" Stan blurted out. "He's alive and resting in the ICU. He's a very lucky boy to survive that kind of trauma to the head." I feel relief rush over me as Mike squeezes my shoulder, Richie was going to be just fine.

"Eddie wake up, wake up we can go see Richie." Stan shakes me awake. "What?" I sit up still a bit groggy. "He's awake and we can see him." I suddenly sit up straight gleaming with happiness. "What do I say, do I tell him or still keep it a secret, Stan you go first." Will Richie reciprocate my feelings, of course not he's straight. How will he be feeling, does he even want visitors?

"I don't think he want's me to be the first person he see's, he'll want it to be you." Stan smiles sadly at me as I get up and make my way through the halls looking for his room. Then I see it, the door is cracked open a little and I hear his heart beating through the noise of the monitor. I knock once and slowly opening the door.

"Ed's!" Richie says delightedly with a raspy tone. His face lights up when I walk in the room, I was so stupid for thinking he would want me to leave. A smile creeps on my face as I walk in fully to the room, that smile disappears when I see his whole body.

His leg is elevated as it's broken, you can tell where he was hit as his cheek is blood read and his eyes are all dark and swollen. Then his head, it looks like someone blew a balloon inside his skull and wrapped it with 50 pounds of slightly red bandage.

"Oh Richie I-" He cuts me off as a tear rolls down my cheek. "Hey hey I'm ok now, look I'm talking to you with full sentences, and if I'm correct that means I'm a-ok. Wipe that tear away and come here." I scoot closer to him holding back as many tears as possible.

"You look tired, are you sure you're the one alright." Richie Tozier, the one who barely lived and is in the ICU for fucks sake is worried about me? God I love him. "I'm perfect, Stan and I slept overnight. Everyone else is on there way over right now." As soon as I mention Stan Richie's smile fades.

"Don't be mad at Stan, he did what he had to, and I'm very glad he did what he did, everyone is. And I hope you are too." Richie looks up at me, how is it that even though he's damaged he's still the prettiest boy alive. "I know, I feel like a dick for what I said to him last night. He was only trying to help and make sure I was ok. My mind was somewhere else last night, how is he?" If only Stan were here right now to here him say that, but he will soon enough.

"Eddie there's something I need to tell you, and I don't know how to say it. It's something I've wanted to tell you for so long but never knew how. When I woke up this morning and realized what had happened I decided that if I never got to tell you before I died my life would have been about secrets and quiet not risk taking and saying how I feel straightforward. I love you Edward Kaspbrack, you are the light of my life and I love you. I am sitting here today, in this hospital bed telling you that I love you Ed's."

He what? I sit there in shock for a few seconds trying to process what just happened. He loves me? The person who makes me the happiest loves me? "I'm such an idiot why did I tell you that, I really hope this doesn't change anything ed's I'm sorry le-"

I cut him off by grabbing his unhurt cheek and smashing our lips together. His eyes open wide in shock surprised by what I had just done, then he starts kissing back. He grabs my face and kisses me harder. When we pull apart we both look at each other smiling. I start laughing as Richie looks at me weird causing him too laugh. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because for a very long time now I have been completely in love with you and would have died if you ever found out." Richie looks at me with surprise. "You what? For how long!" He get's all excited, how can someone be so adorable. "A few months now, and you wanna know the crazy part. I dated Mike because he looked like you and also hoped it would make you a little jealous that I was dating someone." Saying it out loud makes it sound like I used Mike but I did really like him.

"Well you're plan worked I guess, it wasn't until you started to date Mike that I realized I like you. I'm guessing Scarlet was a way to cover up you liked me?" He giggles putting his hand through my hair messing it up more than it already was. "It was actually just a coincidence she liked you I guess." I laughed nervously remembering that day.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" He's looking straight at me in a loving way, god I could just get lost in his eyes. "No you're face is perfect. It's that for a few months now all I've wanted to do is just be with you, kiss you, hold you, and tell you that I love you and now I can. I was so worried for so long that there's no way you could feel the same about me and that I would have to get over you even though there was no way I could." He gives me another kiss.

"We could've been together already if both of us weren't pussies and told each other the truth. Guess we are just bad at love." Richie stretches out his arms gesturing for me to come closer. I gladly do so and cuddle into him without trying to hurt him or cut off any tubes.

Knocks come from the door as Stan, Bev, Ben, Bill and Mike all walk in. All 5 of them have these huge grins on their faces as they see me cuddled into a sleeping Richie. "Was this the thing that I wait for?" They all nod as I sit up slowly trying not to wake up Richie. I walk over to Stan, "He doesn't hate you, he's glad you did what you did." Stan goes over to Richie shaking up awake.

"Oh you guys are here! Stan I'm sorry you know I didn't mean what I said, I love you you're the only real family I have ever had." Everything in my life right now is perfect, nothing could ruin this. "I'm assuming you guys all now know that Ed's here is finally my boyfriend?"

"Oh so its official?" Boyfriend, I like the tone of that. Richie Tozier, my boyfriend. "Yes, I mean unless you don't want it to be." I go over and kiss him. "I'll take that as a yes." He pulls me back in for another kiss.

"God you've been dating for what like 5 seconds and I'm already done with PDA get a room." Bev says as everyone laughs. "Eddie, what are you gonna tell Mike?" Shit what will I say.

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