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Eddie: hey so you ready for our "date" tonight

Richie: I have been ready ever since you and mike asked me out

Eddie: we did not ask you out, you just took it that way

Richie: and I will forever and always believe and tell people than edward kaspbrack here has so kindly asked me out on a date with him and his boyfriend

Eddie: whatever helps you sleep at night

Eddie: well we are leaving right now to pick you up so be down in like 10 minutes

Richie: okie dokie

Richie didn't know why he was so nervous. He was going out with his two friends, one that he so desperately liked and the other who was dating the guy he liked. A few minutes later he heard a car honk outside and ran out to see it was Eddie and Mike. He waved and hoped in the backseat. Little did Richie know was that the small brown haired boy sitting right in front of him was nervous too. It didn't feel like all the other times he had gone out with Mike, even though it was just a friends going out type thing, thinking back to him and Richie joking about it being a date, made him feel warm and secretly had wished that it was a real date and Mike wouldn't have been there. Eddie liked Mike and knew liking Richie while dating someone else wasn't good but his feelings wouldn't go away.

*after the movie*

Richie: I had fun tonight, thanks for inviting me

Eddie: yeah me too, the movie was a bit weird but that's what made it good

Richie: are you kidding me? that was THE BEST movie I have ever seen in my entire 15 years of being on this planet

Richie: you are the weird one

Eddie: you think fairy hunting teenagers who find out their leader is a spy for the fairies is THE BEST movie you've ever seen? I am convinced you have never seen a good movie in your life.

Richie: laugh at me all you want but it won't change my opinions on the movie

Eddie: I just wonder what the producer was thinking when he wrote that

Richie: excuse me but I happen to think that producer was an absolute genius


Eddie: if they make a sequel to that movie so help me god

Richie: if they do, which they will, you ed's will be my date

Eddie: hm I think i'll have to pass on that one

Richie: boo you you're no fun

Eddie: what can I say I learned from the best

Richie: well I gotta go stan keeps bugging me, talk to you tomorrow?

Eddie: yup see ya

*stan to richie*

Stan: richie

Stan: are you back from your date with eddie

Stan: how'd it go

Stan: did you confess your secret crush on him in front of his boyfriend


Richie: first of all, shut the fuck up

Stan: *gasp* how rude

Richie: second of all, itwasthebestnighteverandhelookedsocute

Stan: but did you tell him he looked cute

Richie: if you count my words coming out of mike's mouth then yes

Stan: dude just tell him and say it not in a 'marry me' voice so he thinks your messing with him

Richie: no because I would say it in a marry me voice no matter what and I will not tell him ever nope we are friends and I don't want to ruin that

Richie: besides he has a boyfriend so why would he date someone else if he liked me

Stan: never loose hope, he could like you and is trying to not like you anymore because he thinks your straight and it would never happen (A/N stan how'd you know!)

Richie: hA like that would ever happen

Stan: I don't know man but it could, I told you I can try and find out for you


Stan: and why not

Richie: because what if it gets out to eddie that I like him and he doesn't like me back and it messes up our friendship

Stan: I guess you're right, well goodnight have fun dreaming of eddie

Richie: shut up

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