15 - Conspiracy theories

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Alec looked at Morel, who lifted his eyebrows amused. ,,So he is ''the'' Magnus?'' Morel asked teasing and Alec starred at him questioning. ,,What do you mean?'' he asked evading and stroked nervously over his arm. ,,No need to act like you don't know what I mean, I talked to Jace this morning.'' Alec looked surprised and then angry. ,,He didn't...'' ,,Yes he did.'' Moral giggled and Alec stroked through his hair. ,,You two are really getting on my nerves.'' He looked around nervously, when Morel continued. ,,You don't have to be embarrassed, it's not a big thing. Everyone has been wondering  why handsome Alec Lightwood, who could have anyone in your position, never had a lover.'' Alec frowned and crossed his arms. ,,What exactly do you want to say with that? You have the same position as I do.'' he detected and Morel shrugged his shoulders. ,,Well, what you can get you take.'' he answered and Alec started laughing. ,,You are disgusting, Morel.'' he said jokingly and Morel moved his eyebrows up and down. ,,But you know I am not like this and Magnus is not my lover.'' he added now serious and fixed Morel's eyes with his own. ,,Well what is he then, if I may ask.'' Morel's gaze was curious and Alec felt very uncomfortable. ,,Nothing, we... We had a moment and then it ended.'' he said decisive, while rubbing his temple with his fingers.

Actually more than one, but Morel didn't have to know that. Even though Alec knew every time he saw Magnus, that it was wrong to want him, but he just couldn't escape this strange appeal that was trying to draw their bodies together. Anyhow, Alec knew that Morel would keep pushing so he changed the subject. ,,It doesn't matter now, we have bigger problems.'' he said and walked to his work table , which wasn't far from them. ,,Jace told me you have news.'' Alec gazed interested at the letter in Morel's hand. ,,Yes I do. This one is for you.'' he gave Alec the letter, while he continued. ,,The demons we were talking about yesterday, have been seen in cities all over the world. I talked to some other city leaders and they're all reporting the same strange smoke demons.''

Alec starred at Morel with wide eyes. ,,What? How is that even possible?'' Morel had a serious look on his face and pointed at the letter. ,,This is from the queen. Every leader got one. It says that the downworlders are behind the attacks and want to overpower the shadowhunters to take control over the world.'' Alec looked like that was a joke. ,,No way, that makes no sense. The demons haven't attacked a single shadowhunter. We only got dead mundanes and downworlders, but most of them are still missing.'' Alec leaned against the table and starred on the letter. ,,I know.'' Morel answered. ,,I don't believe it either. The downworlders are too peaceful to provoke a war against the shadowhunters. Also, they would never attack their own people.'' Morel sat down on a chair, not knowing what to do. Alec's thoughts were moving fast and he tried to put the pieces together. ,,But somebody has to be behind it. The greater demon and his smoke demons are controlled by something. So the queen is wrong or the downworlders really want to see the shadowhunters fall.'' Alec said while Morel put his hands on his face.

,,No, no they are my friends. They wouldn't lie to me like that.'' he mumbled through his fingers, while Alec stroked his back. ,,You can't be sure about that.'' he said and thought about everything Magnus had said to him and If there was any hint for spying. But Alec just couldn't picture it. Everything Magnus had done was totally kind and Alec was sure that he was maybe a little too passionate, but deep inside of him he had a big heart. Still, trusting a downworlder was not yet in Alec's dictionary, so he opened the letter in his hands slowly. While reading it, he lost every expression in his face and he almost destroyed the letter when his fingers and arms tensed up. ,,Alec are you okay?'' Morel asked worriedly, while he looked into Alec's shocked eyes that were full of different emotions. ,,I have to find Magnus.'' he pressed out through his gritted teeth, while he was already walking away from the surprised Morel.

Now Alec wasn't so sure anymore, if the downworlders didn't want to start a war. He was just walking around a corner when he saw Magnus standing in front of an old painting, which obviously fascinated him. ,,Magnus.'' Alec said tensed and Magnus turned around surprised. ,,We need to talk.'' Magnus lifted his eyebrows and starred at Alec, who looked like he had seen a ghost. ,,Well that's something new.'' Magnus detected, while Alec held the letter in front of his nose. ,,What is this?'' he asked harshly and Magnus pushed back Alec's arm with his hands. ,,It looks like a letter.'' Magnus answered and frowned confused. ,,This is not funny Magnus!'' Magnus could see that Alec was very upset and he looked worried in his glowing hazel eyes. ,,I am not joking. Just tell me what happened, Alexander.'' he answered and Alec took the letter from Magnus' nose. ,,Good, listen.'' he ordered and started to read Magnus the letter.

Dear Mr. Lightwood,

I am hereby warning you about the attacks of the greater demon Zilarus. Me and the higher council suspect that the downworlders are responsible for them and cover their tracks by attacking their own kind and letting them disappear afterwards. The whole shadow world is affected by this actions and the uprising of the downworld must be stopped, to ensure the safety of our people. The rules about interacting with lesser beings are limited and I hope for all of your support.
Especially you Mr. Lightwood are being warned about the high warlock Magnus Bane, who I suggested you to work with. Yesterday evening I received breaking news about his new appointment to the leader of NewYorks downworlders. His power is stronger than we might know and you are ordered to get control over him as soon as possible.

Best of luck to all of you. Your majesty Alexandra van Idris.

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