39 - No magic

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Magnus entered the institute with a sigh, he actually wasn't prepared to see Alec again after their weird goodbye the day before. But on the other hand, he couldn't wait to see him again. He crossed the the big columns and suddenly felt something weird. It was like the air had changed around him, like it was... thicker. He felt immediately uncomfortable and kind of unprotected. Magnus looked around confused, but then only shook his head and continued his walk to Alec's office. He greeted some people on his way, also Shadowhunters, who had been very nice to him the past few weeks. He walked around a corner and with a smile and was happy about everything that Alec and him had already achieved, even though it was only something small.

Suddenly, he ran into a man, who was wearing a very strong perfume. ,,Oh, I'm sorry.'' Magnus started, but frowned when he saw Finn standing in front of him. ,,You.'' he detected not very pleased, but not surprised either. ,,Yes, me.'' Finn smirked mischievously and Magnus lifted his eyebrows. ,,Okay, nice to meet you, could you please let me pass now.'' Magnus answered annoyed and tried to walk forward, but was stopped by Finn's strong and hard grab around his arms. ,,Not so fast little warlock.'' he whispered and Magnus grimaced. ,,Excuse me?! Let go of me or you will regret it.'' he warned Finn with sparks in his eyes, but Finn's grin only got tighter and Magnus' arms started to hurt. ,,Okay, if you want it.'' Magnus snapped his fingers to loosen Finn's grip with his magic, but nothing happened. ,,What the...'' Magnus said and tried again. Nothing. Finn's smirk got wider and Magnus thought about his options, but then was pressed against the wall by Finn's strong arms.

,,No magic in the institute anymore.'' Finn whispered into his ears, while Magnus tried to free himself with no success. Finn was dangerously close and Magnus felt his breath on his neck, which caused him goose-bumbs from disgust. ,,Let me go.'' Magnus said now a little bit louder, but Finn only got his face closer to his. ,,Maybe you have some other tricks for me.'' Finn said whispering against Magnus' lips, who just grimaced again. He wasn't afraid of him, even though he had no chance against this tall guy without his magic. ,,Unfortunately I do.'' Magnus answered and then spit into Finn's face and kicked him with his knee between the legs. Finn stumbled back surprised and gasped in pain. Magnus heard someone walking around the corner, but was too focused on Finn, to look who it was. Finn grabbed his dagger and pushed Magnus back against the wall. ,,You little bastard.'' he said while cutting into Magnus' cheek with the knife slowly. Magnus' breath was heavy and he felt blood running down his face.

When the dagger was almost at his eye, Finn was suddenly ripped away from him. Someone threw him against the wall on the other side and he fell down on his knees. ,,What did you do?'' a angry voice said, while Magnus blinked and then saw Alec, who grabbed Finns shoulders and pushed him against the wall. ,,What did you do to him?'' his voice was heated and he shook Finn to make him answer. ,,Hey look at me you coward!'' Magnus just starred at them not knowing what to do and how to react. Alec pushed Finn against the wall again, which made him groan in pain. ,,Nothing, I swear.'' he caughed. ,,Liar!'' Alec shouted and hit Finn in the face with his fist angrily. Finns head flew to the side and his eye started to swell.

Magnus knew that he had to do something or Finn wouldn't survive this. He put a hand on Alec's tensed shoulder. ,,Hey, don't. He is not worth it.'' Magnus said softly and Alec turned his head around when he felt the warm hand on his shoulder. Alec was so angry like never in his life before. How could this little bastard hurt someone who was so peaceful? He made Finn look at him with his hand and brought their faces together. ,,If you ever lay a finger on him again, I will kill you, you understand?'' he whispered warningly and Finn breathed heavily. ,,Do you understand?'' Alec repeated a little bit harsher and Finn nodded weakly.

,,Good.'' Alec said and then let go of Finn, who fell on the floor with a painful moan. ,,Lavender!'' Alec called for his servant, who appeared a few seconds later in the corridor. ,,Yes Sir? Oh, what happened?'' he asked surprised, when he saw Finn, now lying almost unconscious on the floor. ,,Just get him out of my eyes. A cell would be a nice flat for now.'' Alec answered disgustedly and Lavender nodded a little bit confused and looked questioning at Magnus, who was still slightly shocked. But then he just nodded and disappeared, coming back a few moments later with two guards, who picked up Finn from the floor and dragged him away.

Alec turned to Magnus immediately and his face changed from angry to worried. ,,Are you okay?'' he asked softly and took Magnus' face in his hands, while looking at his cheek concerned. ,,It's fine Alexander, it's nothing serious.'' Magnus answered a little bit overwhelmed by Alec's welfare for him, who stroked with his thumb over the scratch on his cheek. Magnus grimaced from the pain and Alec frowned worried. ,,Come on, I'm gonna get you something for that.'' he said to him and then pushed him towards his office gently.

He placed Magnus on a chair next to the table and then walked into his bedroom. Magnus looked after him and was quite surprised about how worried Alec suddenly was and Magnus felt like he truly cared for him, which caused a warm sting in his stomach. A few seconds later Alec came back with a bowl of water and a towel in his hands and placed it on the table. Then he sat down on a chair facing Magnus, after what he dipped the towel into the water. He didn't say anything and looked kind of sad, moving the towel towards Magnus' face. When the cold towel touched Magnus' warm skin, he felt shivers running through his body. ,,I'm sorry.'' Alec said and continued stroking over Magnus' bloody cheek. ,,Don't be.'' Magnus answered quietly, but Alec just focused on his work. ,,Hey.'' Magnus said softly and put a hand on Alec's knee, which made him stop and looking into Magnus' eyes.

,,But I am sorry. It's all my fault. I should have called you after the guards of the queen made this place anti-magic.'' he explained a little bit upset and then put the towel back into the bowl. Magnus frowned. That explained his strange feeling when he entered the institute. ,,No Alexander, it's not your fault. I am not your responsibility. I have to take care of myself.'' Magnus said softly but serious. Alec turned his head to him again and pressed his lips together. He knew that he didn't have to warn Magnus before, but he was still mad at himself that he didn't. ,,Finn is just a silly nephilim.'' Magnus said, trying to make Alec laugh, but he just looked more upset. ,,Yes the worst thing about this is, that I can't actually punish him or keep him in that cell for long. Because it's technically not a crime to hurt downworlders.'' Alec detected bitter and then took a little box from his desk and opened it.

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