32 - Concerns

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Magnus opened his eyes and saw empty sheets in front of him. Alec had left him alone again, to avoid an awkward situation, Magnus supposed. He sat up and looked around him. Their clothes were still laying on the floor, which meant that Alec had left without getting dressed. Magnus frowned and then stood up, after what he grabbed his boxers and shirt. Then he heard quite voices coming from one of the two doors in this room and Magnus turned his head in the direction. He put on his clothes quickly, in case someone would come in. Then he put an ear on the door, but the voices were gone. Magnus wanted to disappear as fast as possible, so he decided to open the door slowly. But when he saw a half naked Alec leaning against the desk, he knew that he wouldn't leave so soon. Alec didn't actually look very good and he starred thoughtful into nowhere.

When Magnus entered the room, he turned his head to him and smiled slightly. ,,Are you okay?'' Magnus asked curious and was actually prepared for another speech of him, how much he regretted the last night. But nothing happened. Alec just looked at him frowning, as if he wanted to figure something out. After what Lavender had said to him, Alec just couldn't stop thinking about the fact, how he always wanted to control other people. The last night had proven that, but he didn't want Magnus to think that way about him or feel less worth because of it, like Lavender had said. Of course he knew that he had that impression on others and it was quite helpful sometimes, but he didn't want to oppress Magnus. When his gaze wandered from Magnus' peaceful chocolate eyes to his slightly red wrists, he felt even more bad. ,,Alexander?'' Magnus asked again and looked concerned into Alec's thoughtful eyes.

,,Magnus I...'' Alec started and Magnus lifted his eyebrows questioning. ,,About last night...'' he continued and Magnus sighted quietly. There it was. The speech. Magnus thought and looked at Alec expecting the worst. ,,I am sorry, if I was to harsh. You know, I shouldn't have pushed you into this.'' Alec apologised with a serious look, while Magnus' gaze became confused. ,,What?'' he asked totally surprised and starred at Alec. That was the last thing of thousand possibilities he had expected right now. ,,Yes I... I don't want you to feel like I want to take control over you, outside of the bed, you know?'' he explained slowly and tilted his head to the side feeling a bit awkward, while he looked at Magnus from one eye to the other. Magnus looked at him for a few seconds and then blinked slowly. ,,Yes I know.'' Magnus answered with a thoughtful voice and knew that he had to say more. Alec was obviously worried that their last actions would affect their working relationship, which was completely understandable.

But something in Magnus told him, that he was maybe also worried about his feelings and that he would feel oppressed from him. That wasn't so absurd, considering the fact that Alec always wanted control everybody, but Magnus had seen a different side of him yesterday evening. A caring side, which was soft and friendly towards him, so he knew that Alec wouldn't hurt him. At least not anymore. ,,Alexander, do you remember what I said to you last night?'' he asked softly and stepped closer to him. Alec frowned about the change of subject, but tried to remember. ,,You told me that you trust me.'' Alec detected after a short pause, after what Magnus smiled. ,,Yes I did. And I meant it.'' he answered honestly and Alec blinked slowly. ,,Are you sure?'' he asked surprised with a lifted eyebrow. ,,I don't think you should.'' Alec said serious and his hazel eyes got worried. Trusting someone like him couldn't end well. If he was forced to do something, he wasn't allowed to look at all aspects and opinions from others. Magnus smiled amused and then put his palm on Alec's naked chest, which made him gasp. ,,I think I am willing to take the risk.'' he answered with a smile, while stroking over Alec's skin.

Alec looked straight into Magnus' eyes and grabbed his wrist to stop him, while he moved his face closer to Magnus'. ,,I hope you won't  regret it.'' Alec replied whispering and his eyes were gazing at Magnus' lips again. Magnus exhaled deeply against Alec's lips but focused on his eyes. ,,Me too.'' he answered, after what Alec moved his lips closer to Magnus'. They were only a few centimetres apart, when it knocked on the door again. Alec closed his eyes annoyed and sighted, while he took a few steps away from Magnus. ,,Yes, come in.'' he answered loudly and Magnus crossed his arms looking at the door. Lavender entered the room with another breakfast tablet in his hands, which he put on the table next to the other one. ,,Here is your breakfast Magnus, Mr. Lightwood ordered it for you.'' he said and smiled at Magnus, who lifted his eyebrows surprised. ,,He did?'' Magnus mumbled and glanced at Alec, who was frowning. ,,You two are friends?'' he asked after noticing that Lavender called Magnus by his first name. ,,Yes we are, thanks Lavender.'' Magnus said softly with a friendly smile.

Well, that explained why Lavender was so curious about his and Magnus' relationship. Alec thought and went to his chair to pick up a shirt he left there yesterday. He felt now kind of uncomfortable walking around half naked, so he put it on, while Magnus started talking again. ,,We were just talking about, how we want to get the shadowhunters and downworlders to working together and stuff.'' he said pretty convincing, but Lavender just raised his eyebrows, because he knew Magnus was lying. Alec sighted and then turned to them again still without pants. ,,Don't even try, he saw you lying in my bed 15 minutes ago.'' he explained, after what Magnus inhaled sharply, while Lavender looked at him as if he expected an explanation.

,,Well, I think we should go.'' Magnus detected with a gaze at Lavender, before he could say something. ,,And I'll take this with me.'' he added and took the tablet with the breakfast. Lavender nodded and then pulled out a letter handing it to Alec. ,,This arrived this morning, It's from the queen.'' he said and then walked towards the door, while Magnus looked at the letter concerned. ,,Are you gonna be okay?'' he asked, looking into Alec's hazel eyes, which had already taken a stressed look. ,,Yes, of course.'' he smiled absent. ,,We'll be in touch.'' he said and then turned around opening the letter, while Magnus and Lavender left the room.

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