52 - Confessions

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Alec knocked against the door hesitantly, not really knowing what he was going to say. When the door opened he expected to see a sleepy Magnus, but instead he faced a quite beautiful woman with brown hair and a red dress. Alec blinked confused and after a few seconds he recognized her as the vampire that he had seen with Magnus a few times. ,,What an unexpected guest." Camille said ironically and pushed the door open completely, so that Magnus could see Alec standing in the door, who looked pretty confused. Magnus closed his eyes and breathed slowly in and out. This was seriously the worst timing ever, Magnus thought, walked to the desk to get his glass and poured himself another drink.

,,What are you doing here?" Camille asked concerned with squinted eyes and blocking the door for Alec, who was peaking behind her, trying to see Magnus. Alec was surprised, he hadn't expected that Magnus would have a visitor this late, especially not such an attractive one. He inspected Camille from head to toe and then lifted his eyebrows. But Alec wasn't the person who would let himself be embarrassed infront of a downworlder. Well, maybe with one exception. ,,I don't think it's your concern, where NewYorks leader spends his evening and why." Alec made clear with a confident voice and a dismissive look. Magnus in the back choked on his drink and had to cough.

,,Uhh a boy with an attitude. Just like I've heard about you." Camille reacted unimpressed. ,,And you're not my leader, so bye." she said annoyedly and wanted to close the door again, but Alec put his foot between the door and the frame and his hand on the door, pushing it open. Camille stumbled backwards and hissed angrily. ,,Actually, I am." Alec stepped in and looked at her, thinking that people like her were the reason why he had hated all the downworlders so much. Only because they had lived for hundreds of years, didn't mean that they knew everything better than the shadowhunters. Magnus, who had already finished his drink again, came forward. ,,Okay that's enough. Camille, you should leave." Magnus said vigorously standing next to Camille without facing Alec, who just squinted, trying to understand what was going on. 

,,But honey, we were just getting started." she answered alluringly and moved her hand towards Magnus' cheek. But Magnus grabbed her wrist in the middle of her movement and suddenly Camille screamed pulling her hand back, looking at her wrist. Magnus had burned her skin with his magic, which was now red, but already healing slowly. ,,You prefer this mortal over me?" she asked with an angry glow in her eyes. When Magnus didn't answer she hissed again and with one last disgusted look at Alec, she disappeared through the door with her vamp speed.

Alec jumped from the unexpected puff of air on his arm and turned around surprised. Magnus sighted and went back to the couch, starring out of the window. ,,Did you really just burn her because of me?" Alec asked astonishedly, but Magnus just snorted. ,,Of course not, I did it because she's an annoying, disrespectful person. Magnus explained upset, still facing Alec with his back, who slowly closed the door behind him and then felt a little bit lost. What exactly did he want here again? ,,Soo, what did she mean, with 'we were just getting started'?" Alec asked to fill the silence but also seriously interested. As far as he remembered, Magnus also liked girls and this one had been, ignoring her behavior, extremely gorgeous.

Magnus turned around with an uncomprehending expression on his face. ,,Alexander, what are you doing here?" he asked, without answering Alec's question. ,,I thought everything was clear between us." Magnus looked at Alec, as if he expected an explanation, which made Alec even more confused than before. ,,Well I-. You texted me." Alec started hesitatingly beginning to mentally punsh himself in the face for the terrible idea of coming here. When Alec mentioned the message Magnus looked as if he'd rather forget about that and closed his eyes, regretting hitting the "send" button. ,,And I thought..." Alec didn't finished the sentence, when he saw Magnus' reaction.  Alec walked a few steps closer to Magnus, because he felt weird, still standing in front of the door. He saw Magnus' glass and the half empty bottle and lifted an eyebrow.

,,Look Alexander," Magnus started slowly. ,,I shouldn't have send that text. And this afternoon I was really emotional, so that's why it happened what happened." Alec frowned, already knowing where this was going. ,,It was...",,A mistake?" Alec completed Magnus' sentence and Magnus looked up at Alec with a serious glow is his eyes. ,,Yeah." he answered trying to sound decisive, but nevertheless Alec walked towards him and took Magnus' hands in his. ,,But it always is Magnus." With Alec's touch Magnus' mask crumbled and Alec could see the sad shadow on his face. ,,It always has been. But it doesn't change the fact that it feels so right. And I just can't go on without talking about it anymore." Alec explained, even sounding slightly desperate. Magnus starred at him, because he hadn't expected Alec to say his opinion so straight forward.

After Magnus didn't say anything, Alec pulled back his hands slowly and looked down. Maybe he had read the signs all wrong. Maybe Magnus just wanted to sleep with the shadowhunters leader as many people before him. Well, excluding Finn of course. When Alec thought about Finn, another person came to his mind. ,,But if there's someone else..." Alec mumbled, which pulled Magnus out of his shock. He frowned confused and then watched Alec, who slowly moved away from him and sat down on the couch. ,,You're not talking about Camille are you?" Magnus' voice sounded ironic and he looked down at Alec who took his glass from the table and then poured himself a drink. The glass was just about to touch his lips, when Magnus snatched it out of his hands. ,,Hey!" Alec complained displeased, while Magnus put it back on the table and then let the glass and the bottle disappear with a flip of his fingers. ,,There is not going to be any alcohol for you here today." Magnus made clear and Alec snorted with a disappointed face.  

After a few seconds of silence, in which Alec was starring at the table where the alcohol had stood, Magnus sighted. ,,Camille and I have a long history. I've known her for about 300 years, I guess." Magnus shrugged and Alec lifted his eyebrows. ,,I loved her a lot, but she never truly loved me back. All I felt with her was pain." he explained, lost in his thoughts and starring out of the window. He had a great  view over New York, only seeing the lights blinking like fireflies glowing in the dark. The light in the room was soft, coming from the candles of Magnus' big chandelier. ,,At some point I ended it, she wasn't good for me. I guess she never got over the fact that she had been rejected." Magnus said, thinking about the last 100 years when Camille had tried to win him back.

Alec was looking  at his hands thinking about what Magnus had just said. He believed him. He almost felt sorry for him, to be hurt by someone like Camille. ,,So no." Magnus ended his story and looked at Alec from the side. ,,There is no one else." Alec slowly turned his head to Magnus, who was looking at him a little bit insecure. Alec didn't know why, but when his eyes met Magnus' it felt like his heart skipped a beat. ,,Listen Magnus, I-" Alec hesitated, studying Magnus' face looking for any sign of backing away, but the brown chocolate eyes were looking at him expectantly. ,,In the last few weeks something changed between us." Alec said and Magnus looked down, but Alec continued regardless. ,,I mean, I always thought you were attractive, but after some time of our "thing" I slowly started to feel things." Alec inhaled to find the courage to go on. ,,Like, when I was holding you or I saw your smile." he took a short pause, while Magnus was twitching on a strand of his trousers. ,,I mean, obviously I didn't want to, you're a downworlder and it is very complicated for me to admit it. But Magnus, I just can't fight the fact anymore, that I fell in love with you." Alec whispered the last part of the sentence, after what Magnus turned his head to him again. His eyes were sad, and Alec could see that his barrier was down completely.

Magnus took Alec's hand and squeezed it softly. ,,I know Alexander." he said with a painful voice. ,,I feel the same as you do." On Alec's face appeared a small relieved smile, but Magnus couldn't return it. ,,But it doesn't change the fact that we can never be together! If the alliance breaks we are only a few weeks away from having to fight against each other!" Magnus explained with a secure voice but a desperate face expression. ,,As leaders, we can't be this unresponsible and careless!"

Alec knew that Magnus was right. Everything about this was wrong, but he had also never in his life felt so alive with someone. ,,Who would respect me anymore? For you it's easy to say, you're a shadowhunter." The candles on the chandelier were flickering and so was the reflection in Alec's hazel eyes.
,,We can't do this Alexander."

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