57 - Loss of a soldier

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,,Well, whatever.'' Izzy said, rolled her eyes and put the sword back. ,,I have a few more of these.'' she added and pointed to the other bag. ,,But what I'm most proud of, is this piece here.'' She pulled the cloth a little bit to the side and a beautiful black bow appeared. ,,This one is for you Alec. I also have a quiver with arrows downstairs, they include the gemstones. The bow doesn't.'' She handed the bow carefully to Alec, who was surprised by the smooth feeling of the grip. ,,Wow this material is amazing!'' he said and pulled the string, after what it vibrated a few seconds. The bow was completely black, including the string, except for some silver highlights at both ends and the grip.

,,Well, I used the material of your training suits and smoothed it over, so that the grip is comfortable for you. So that credit is on you.'' Izzy explained a little bit embarrassed and with red cheeks. ,,Don't be silly.'' Magnus disagreed with his head shaking. ,,You did great.'' he smiled at her and then gave Alec an expecting look. ,,Magnus is right. You're weapons are really good. I can't wait to use them!'' he said exited, while admiring his new bow. ,,Well I can.'' Clary stated and looked worriedly at Izzy. Alec sighted. ,,I'm sorry, I meant in general. But still, better we fight off these demons now, before it's too late.''

Alec gave the bow back to Izzy and walked to the whiteboard again. ,,Okay, so first priority is finding those demons and kill them, because now we have the weaponry we need. Sadly, this is not as easy as it sounds.'' Alec pointed on some reports of the latest demon attacks. ,,These creatures attack unexpectedly and you can't see them coming or find them. They are spectacular hiders.'' Magnus scribbled something on his paper, which got Alec out of the concept for a few seconds.

,,Uhm... yeah.'' Alec mumbled, after what Magnus looked up and winked at him friendly. Alec blinked a few times and continued before anyone could notice something. ,,So, we will keep up the presence in the city 24/7. The downworlders too, am I right?'' Alec looked at Magnus, waiting for an answer.  Magnus stood up, as if he was about to give a whole speech, instead of simply answering the question. Alec frowned surprised, but didn't stop him, when Magnus cleared his throat and began to talk.

,,The downworlders are, as well as the shadowhunters, extremely careful and cautious while being in public places. Of course I also have some soldiers out in the streets, but we can not defend ourselves as the shadowhunters can.'' Magnus turned the paper in his hand and looked with a serious look at the others, before he continued. ,,This is not an equal fight for us, therefore we cannot attack these demons directly. Except...'' Magnus started and pointed on the weapons on the table. ,,Except we could use some of these weapons too. Most of the seelies are well trained soldiers and know how to fight.'' Magnus explained and Alec lifted his eyebrows. He hadn't expected that Magnus would make such a request and wondered why he hadn't told him about this earlier.

,,He is right!'' said a quite voice close to Alec. ,,You should see my sister!'' Lavender said thrilled and smiled. When everyone starred at him, he looked down and blushed slightly. ,,Well...'' Izzy started and her gaze wandered back to Magnus. ,,I think you know, that these blades are made especially for shadowhunters and not for downworlders. You couldn't fight with them as good as we do, you know?'' Izzy explained, but then pulled a big structure plan out of her pocket and looked at it frowning, for a few seconds. ,,I think I could restructure it a little bit. This could work.'' she mumbled in her thoughts.

Alec shook his head. ,,Magnus this is not possible. Izzy and Clary did a great job, but they had to work day and night for these few weapons.'' He said and pointed on the table. ,,True.'' Sarah agreed. ,,Even with my help, it was not possible to produce more. It is not as easy as it seems and we barely have enough for the shadowhunters.'' she explained to Magnus, who looked at her a little bit confused by the fact, that she was suddenly on the shadowhunters' side. ,,This is not the only problem. We also don't have that much gemstones.'' Clary added. ,,It's not as if they are lying around everywhere.'' she said with a shrug and Lavender chuckled.

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