Chapter 17: Talutah, the Chief of Zhànshì

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"Nobody is superior,
nobody is inferior,
but nobody is equal either.

People are simply
unique, incomparable."

  ― Osho

"Shall we?" asked sighting Emma to the other girl. Lily smiled encouraging at her and nodded.

And then, both dragons and riders were in the sky, leaving the Academy under, and Lily felt a pang on her chest as another short chapter of her life closed behind her shoulders.

 And then, both dragons and riders were in the sky, leaving the Academy under, and Lily felt a pang on her chest as another short chapter of her life closed behind her shoulders

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"How much until we arrive?" shouted Zack, voice barely audible as he tried to be heard above the sound of pouring rain and wind.

They have been lucky for almost all day, flying all day under the warm sun and light breeze, sky sometimes interrupted by a few clouds. They just stopped a few times to eat and catch their breath, however, as soon as they arrived at the sea, they had encountered menacing dark clouds that had quickly transformed into thick rain and strong wind, with the addition of roaring thunders just above their head.

Lily and Erebos had glanced often up in worry, really hoping that a lightning wouldn't strike them.

"Not much! We should arrive soon!" shouted back the director from the front of the group, leading them in what appeared nothing. She just hoped he knew where he was doing, she was quite tired and just wanted to be in a dry place to rest.

Arya and her gryphon Calien had disappeared behind Oceano and Victor, the last ones, having more difficulty with the weather and preferring to stay on the shadow of the giant dragon were the wind was cut off and there was less rain.

Lily tried to clean for the million times the glasses on her helmet, to try to look around and maybe discern where in the hell they were, but the rain was too strong, and they kept getting wet, obscuring her vision even if there wasn't much to see, except rain and clouds. And then more rain and more clouds. An infinite expanse of dull dark grey.

Her armour had managed to keep her warm and dry for the majority of the fly, thanks to the water repellent tissue, but in the end some rain had managed to infiltrate and now she was soaking wet and cold like everyone else. Her long black braid was flapping around like a mad snake with the strong wind, occasionally slapping hard her back, and her hand under the glove had started to throb from the pain from the fight with Chantal the day before.

She leaned out a little on Erebos side like she had done multiple times, trying to not let the strong wind knock her down, and looked down. She saw that finally the raging sea had given place to what seemed green and small hills, but it was almost night and they were going too fast, so she wasn't really sure if they had arrived at the land or if they were flying over one of the many islands they had seen.

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