Chapter 8 "Hate & Love"

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Hey guys! This chapter is going to be with Selena's POV because we left off on such a great note that I am getting ideas for it so the next chapter will go back to Rydel and her problems. Thank you! Enjoy!

\Selena's POV/

I woke up and looked around seeing it's raining outside. I get up and yawn and think about whatever happened last night, I forgot. Shoot. I walk out of the room in my pjs and go to the living room and see Ross is the only other one up. He was watching Glee.

"Man, Glee has changed up so much," he smirked.

I smirk and say, "Wow Shor," and sit down next to him.

He smiled at me and said, "Well, good morning to you too."

I smiled back and said, "Okay, what up?"

"I'm just thinking about last night, we said we didn't hate each other anymore, and that we... um.." he continued saying, "love each other."

My eyes go wide as I remember what happened. "Oh yeah, we did," I say. "I can't believe it. We kissed and all that shit happened and wow," I was speechless.

Ross stretched out and agreed, "I know, huh?"

I quickly said, "Does this sort of make us like official?" and he shrugged at me. His deep brown eyes were staring into my eyes and I could see his eyes were not in hating anymore. I sighed,

"Ross, last night was great. We talked and agreed we didn't hate each other anymore. But, don't you think it'd be weird to just jump into a relationship after we just got done hating each other for like six years?" I explain.

"I don't know. I never really thought about it. All I know is that we kissed and said our feelings and we just.. stopped the hate that night," he smirked. His smirk, it was hot. Wow, we really did stop hating if I can say that without wanting to throw up.

"Maybe, since we started to stop hating, we can try being friends now. We spent six years hating, we should try being friends now and actual buddies," I said trying to be gentle.

"But, we said we loved each other and we kissed and.." he tried saying.

"I know but, I want to at least try being friends with you now that I know the truth about us. We only really hated each other because we didn't get to know each other and we sort of got off on the wrong foot when we met, we held that against each other for so long," I said.

He nodded as if he understood. I grabbed onto his hand and said,

"If there is a chance when Rydel gets back and we have been like such good friends yet we still have deep loving feelings for each other..One of us can make a move and we can try.. dating," I smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Is it a plan?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course," he said and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back tight and he pulled away and said without any stutter, "kiss on it?" and I shrugged and kissed at his cheek.

"We're friends now. No hate or nothing. Let's keep it that way," I said.

He nodded and laughed. We finally heard someone walk in and it was Riker.

"Hey guys," he said raising his eyebrows.

"Hey," Ross smiled.

"Are you guys like.. good?" he said continuing, "you're in the same room and the house isn't destroyed yet? you guys didn't kill each other?  what is this?"

I sighed and said, "Last night we talked and we decided it's about time we stop trying to hate each other and so...we're going to try even harder now to be friends,"

Ross quickly added, "Yeah, six years of arguing and wanting to kill the other one has gotten old," he laughed. Riker smirked and smiled, "I'm glad to hear that. That'll be great news for when Rydel gets home."

We laugh and everyone eventually gets up and we have a nice breakfast chatting over cereal and anything we could find to eat.

After lunch, we go outside to the pool. I get into a bathing suit and walk outside. I see everyone except Ross diving off the board. I sit down in a chair and watch them. Ross finally walks outside in his swim trunks holding some lemonade. He sits next to me,

"I was wrong. You do look good in a bathing suit," he smiled at me. I nodded with a thank you. He sat down next to me and we chatted a bit.

"I think me and you are going to be very good friends," I say. He nods, "I think so too."

The door bell rings and then Ross goes to get it. I enjoy watching the boys splash around in the water and I try getting a tan because I thought my legs and over all have been too white. A good hour went by and I went to check on Ross in the front yard. I walk outside and see Ross,

"Hey Ross, What's..." I let out until I see him talking to some girls and one of them kissed him on the cheek and the other felt his muscles. He looked like he was flirting with them. I then saw him slip a paper to one of the girls, his number?! Oh my god. He is what I thought. A flirt who thought he could get any girl any time. Was that what it was like last night?

I'm so stupid. I knew there was a reason I hated him. I run inside and go into Rydel's room and slam the door. Before I know it, I hear a knock.

"Hey Selena, You okay?" it was Ross.

"Ross! Go away!" I yelled.

He walked in and said, "You didn't lock the door," he smirked.

I threw a pillow at him. "You were what I thought. A flirt with his stupid guitar who thought he could get any girl you wanted. I guess I was stupid enough to fall for that last night. To think, I actually said this morning, I would try to stop hating you!"

He looked at me with confused eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"I saw you with those girls and they kissed and they felt you and.. oh my god. You know I was going to give you a chance when Rydel came back if we kept being good friends! Why did you.." I kept going on and he interrupts.

"Wait, you were?!"

I sigh, "Yes I was. Because I actually started to not hate you anymore," I was practically yelling by the time this happened.

"I don't know what to say," he said.

"Ross, we were so close to being friends. Regular friends but you had to go prove you were exactly what I thought you were," I yelled.

"It wasn't like that though," he said trying to save himself. So pitiful.

"Ross! Don't lie to me! God, that's another thing about you now that I hate. You lie," I yell.

He gets a mad look now, "Well, if you hate me so much, then I guess, I hate you too!"

My eyes go wide. He glared at me and said, "Yeah. I hate you. I always have and I always will. I guess I was right about you too. You always were bossy and demanding and you never give people chances! God, yep, I hate you. I don't know why I fucking tried to love you. I would be wasting my time," he said letting out his anger.

I groan, "Get out Ross. You can forget last night. Last night was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry it did. I do not love you and I don't think I ever will. I'll be sure to tell Rydel I'm sorry that we failed to try being friends," I yell as I open the door for him to leave.

He stood in the doorway with a stupid face, as always, "I hate you."

"I hate you too," I yelled as I slammed the door.

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