Chapter 15 "Recitals & Reunited" Part 1

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Hey guys! I think this chapter will be the best chapter I've written because it'll be more detailed and I can't wait for it to be read by all you beautiful people! Thanks for reading! Comment what you like about it and anything you wanna say. I'm always watching. ;) 

~ Selena xo

\Ross's POV/

Ryland, Selena and I went into the nearest shop filled with dresses and tuxedos and many other types of clothings. The store was actually bigger than I thought it would be. I saw different tuxedos and in different colors...Blue, Green, and Red... any color I thought of. Of course, I could go for a yellow tux but, then that would be too much. 

"How about this one?" Ryland would ask Selena who was sitting on a bench watching us frustrate over these disissions. 

"Um.. find that one in black please, not red," she laughed. Ryland smirked and grabbed a tux that was black and went into a dressing room. I shrugged and looked around. Finally, Selena stood up,

"How about this one?" she asked holding a tux up to me. I stood up straight and she shook her head, 

"Nah. The bow tie is bugging me," she said and grabbed another tux except with the normal tie. I liked it and smiled,

"I like it. I want it," I said and she laughed. I laughed as well and grabbed it and went into the dressing room next to Ryland. I changed quickly until I got stuck with the tie. I eventually did fix it and walked out to find Ryland already changed and looks awesome. 

"I look sweet. Swag all over this place!" he yelled and they laughed. 

They turned around and saw me. Selena smiled, 

"You look very handsome, Ross," and stood up and grabbed my collar. I thought she was going to pull me into a kiss or something but instead, she pulled it down and started playing with my tie. 

"You need this fixed," she laughed and put the tie in the position it should be in. We changed back into normal clothes and payed for our tuxedos and then we waited for Selena to get a dress. She grabbed a dress that was red and shorter than knee length for her and it looked very "pretty" she said. She walked out in the dress... 

"How does it look?" she asked twirling around. 

Selena's dress:

"You look great, Sel," Ryland said. I stood up in shock, 

"You look beautiful," I said and smiled. She smiled back, 

"Why thank you." 

She bought the dress and she changed back into her normal clothes. We went back to the hotel rooms and right away mom announced, 

"Get dressed guys! We have to get to the dance camp before they start!" 

With that being said, Ryland and I quickly changed into our tuxedos and met the rest by the elevators. Connor walked in wearing his tuxedo and had Sel by his arm. 

"Wow, you all look so good! Well, let's head on down," my mom said arm in arm with my dad. We went down into the casino and out to call a taxi. The taxi came and we all hopped into the freakishly large taxi cab. We got to about five minutes away from Rydel's dance camp. 

"Let me grab my phone so I can take pictures.." Selena said and reached over me to grab her phone from her purse which was in the back of the cab.. Before she could, we made a sharp turn, 

"Hold on!" the driver said. With in a second, Sel lost her balance and fell back onto my lap with her arm around my neck. The driver eventually went on the right rode path. 

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