― two.

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"yah, yah, yah, have you noticed that the new kid isn't making any friends?" hyunjin questioned, discreetly motioning to the boy who was sat alone in the cafeteria. "it's weird, almost everyone has spoken to him, but he just ignores them or tells them to get lost."

izumi glanced over her shoulder at felix. she was surprised at the news, considering one of their conditions was that she became his friend, so it was strange that he isolated himself like that, but izumi knew that he must have his reasons. 

their eyes suddenly met, bringing izumi out of her thoughts. she smiled, waving at him. felix smiled, nodding his head at the girl.

"what the hell," hyunjin stared at the girl after witnessing their small exchange. "did you just befriend him like that?" he questioned, surprise clear in his tone.

"maybe." izumi shrugged, picking up her chopsticks. "but where's seungmin? i thought he was joining us for lunch." izumi questioned, slyly changing the subject as she pointed at the empty seat next to hyunjin, where seungmin would always be sat.

"he wanted to practise, the showcase is in two months and you know how much of a perfectionist seungmin is." izumi nodded, the two of them returning to their food. "hey, wait! don't just change the subject like that! tell me, what is it with you and the aussie boy?" hyunjin questioned, leaning closer so he could hear her better over the loud chatter of the cafeteria.

izumi rolled her eyes, poking her finger against his forehead and pushed him back. "aussie boy? his name is felix and nothing is going on. stop being so nosy, jinnie." hyunjin pouted, a sigh escaping his lips.

"fine." he exclaimed exasperatedly. "i'll drop it, but just for you." he winked, causing izumi to roll her eyes.

"ew, only seungmin looks good when he winks." hyunjin scoffed, looking offended.

"sometimes i feel like you prefer seungmin over me." 

"you're right, i do." izumi was quick to answer, unintentionally breaking hyunjin's heart a little. he knew she was joking, but he couldn't help it.

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