― finale.

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― finale.

they say that time is short, that we should live our lives to the fullest whilst we have the chance. time is so precious to every individual being. some of us have the chance of having years on end to live by, whereas others aren't so lucky.

however, at some point, time stops for everyone.

park izumi's time had stopped sooner than she expected it to. spending her life with a bright smile that shadowed her secrets, she spent her time to the best of her ability. although she didn't know when her own time would end, she could see everyone else's. 

seeing the ticking of each and every clock was patronising. it was suffocating for the young girl. meeting someone for the first time wasn't kind greetings and warm smiles, it was the outstanding timer that told her that there were either only a few years, days or minutes; or there were many years left for them.

she hated having the knowledge of both. it was a heavy weight on her shoulders. the idea of knowing someone's death day was frightening. it was more frightening because she couldn't do anything. she was too weak, too scared. time can be changed, but the end is inevitable. 

however, for him, it was different. 

lee felix.

the first person she saved. the first time she had extended someone's time.

the first time she had loved someone.

she still didn't understand why she saved him. she didn't know what had her so confident, she didn't think she could change his end. 

however, she did.

she saved him, not just from death, but also from the toxic people in his life that were causing him to think that suicide was the only option. she made him feel loved, she took care of him, she listened to him, and she gave him more time.

time. ― ꜰᴇʟɪxWhere stories live. Discover now