― twenty four.

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D-3 till the showcase.

izumi sighed, downing her water bottle. her and felix were nowhere near finishing the choreography and their conflicting ideas weren't helping either. there were even a few arguments between the pair on ideas. in the end, they'd turn to minho for help on deciding which is better since the boy was neutral and only picked what was good.

izumi grabbed the tablet, playing the song again before standing up. she began dancing to the music, doing whatever came to her mind first. felix looked up from his phone, glancing over at izumi.

he was completely mesmerised by her dancing, watching at all the careful steps she took and how her body moved to the music as if she were fluent in the language. "you look creepy if you just stare at her like that." a voice popped out of nowhere, causing felix to jump in surprise.

he turned to find one of izumi's friends stood next to him, grinning brightly as he looked over at izumi. izumi caught sight of the boy through the mirror, stopping the music as she attacked him with a hug. "jeonginnie!" 

"noona~, you're all sweaty~" jeongin whined cutely as izumi squished him tightly. 

"when did you come in?" she questioned, looking up at him as she pulled away.

"a few minutes ago, you were busy dancing and felix hyung was busy―" jeongin was cut off as felix slapped his hand over the younger boy's mouth. 

"felix was doing nothing." felix nervously chuckled, glancing over at izumi who was staring at them weirdly. "anyway, who is this person?" felix questioned, removing his hand as he motioned to jeongin.

"this is jeongin, he's in the year below us, but an amazing dancer. and jeongin, you already know felix." jeongin smiled, nodding his head. "what are you even doing here anyway?" izumi questioned, looking up at him.

"you said you'd take me out for icecream after school." izumi checked the time, realising that it was already the end of the day. her and felix had been in the practice room since the end of lunch, and time had gone by quicker than expected.

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