― eight.

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izumi couldn't help but exhale loudly as she dabbed the cotton bud coated with antiseptic on his wounds. he winced in pain, but didn't say anything as he watched her focus on his lips. "why did you punch him?" she questioned, breaking the deafening silence.

felix shrugged, shifting his gaze to elsewhere. "felix." her voice was stern. she didn't understand why felix would suddenly punch someone. yes, he had his problems, but felix didn't seem like the type to get into fights. at least, that was what izumi thought.

"he was the one who started it." he mumbled, giving the most 5 year old response ever. izumi sighed, her hand falling to the infirmary bed as she gave him a look. "okay, fine, he just... he said something rude and dehumanizing and i just had to punch him." 

"felix, i understand that you were probably angry, but that's childish." she lifted her hand to his face, her thumb grazing over his wound. "honestly, what got you so angry to get into a fight?" she questioned, staring up at him. she hadn't realised how close they had gotten, but izumi's gaze had lifted to his freckles. she loved seeing the faint dots across his face, although he tried so hard to hide it with foundation. she loved them and found it adorable, she wished that he would show it off instead.

"he said bad things about you. it was awful and disgusting, i just-" felix cut himself off, before he got too angry again. "i couldn't just stand there and let him talk about you like that, i swear if i ever see him again i'm gonna-"

"felix." izumi cut him off in an attempt to calm him down. she smiled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer to her. "thank you." felix relaxed into her hold, wrapping his own arms around her waist. "just don't ever worry me like that again." she mumbled.

"i'm sorry for worrying you." he chuckled. "we should head back to class." he mumbled as the two pulled away. their eyes met, their proximity still close to one another. felix couldn't help but drop his gaze to her lips, noticing how izumi had worn a soft peachy lipstick today.

izumi noticed his fixed gaze, feeling her face heat up from embarrassment. "are you sure you don't want to get some rest?" izumi questioned, being the first one to move away as she avoided his gaze.

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