― six.

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"izumi, have you finished packing?" her father questioned. izumi looked up from her duffle bag, sat on the floor with her folded clothes neatly packed in her bag. they were going back for two nights, one day. it was jeongin's first time visiting and she didn't want it to be a bad memory, so she wanted to take him out after the memorial.

"yeah." izumi zipped up the duffle bag, shrugging it onto her shoulder before standing up. she grabbed her phone and earphones before exiting her bedroom. her father stood at the bottom of the staircase, his things were already in the car. he glanced up at his daughter, however izumi noticed how he was staring more above her than at her. before she could question him, her father spoke up.

"when did jeongin say he was coming?" her father questioned, taking her duffle bag. izumi checked her phone, but before she could answer him, the familiar ringing of the doorbell had beat her to it. "speak of the devil." her father swung open the door, smiling brightly at the young boy as izumi slipped on her shoes and jacket whilst the two had their man to man chitchat. 

"ready." izumi declared, standing up straight.

"let's go."


izumi laid the flowers on the grave. white lillies and zinnias for the two of them. she stood up, standing next to jeongin as her father said his words to his wife and son. "are you okay?" she whispered, noticing how the boy was frozen stiff. he was holding back his emotions, trying to stay strong. however, his shaking hands gave him away. 

he was broken.

"it's okay to cry." she reassured, taking hold of his hand. jeongin squeezed her hand tight, his body shaking as the sobs that had been begging to escape did so. izumi immediately pulled the boy into a hug, placing a hand on his head as she allowed him to cry into her shoulder.

the reason as to why jeongin was so important to izumi was because he was friends with her late brother. park jisung. him and jeongin were inseparable, they had met each other after joining the school's dance club and had become best of friends since. 

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