― twenty one.

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"i want to watch korean."

"yeah, but english is funny."

"why can't we just watch a japanese horror m-"

"no!" both boys exclaimed at the same time. izumi rolled her eyes at the scaredy cats, dropping the dvd's that were in her hand to the floor. izumi was surprised at how close seungmin and felix had gotten in the short time they were together, it was nice to see felix enjoying himself and smiling so brightly.

most of his wounds had healed up thankfully, with only a scar on his stomach from his stitches. "okay, kung fu panda it is." seungmin declared.

"number two."

"no, three-"

"we're watching the first one." seungmin cut the bickering couple off, setting up the dvd player. "you and felix get snacks whilst i tidy the dvd's and set it up." seungmin instructed, glancing over at izumi.

the young girl took the hint, nodding her head. "yep, let's go felix." izumi stood up from the floor with felix following her as they walked into the kitchen. "hm, where's the popcorn." izumi questioned herself, looking through the cupboards.

her eyes scanned each shelf before moving onto the next one. felix awkwardly stood beside her, watching as she searched for the packets of popcorn. "could you get the drink from the fridge?" izumi instructed, which felix complied to, walking over to their fridge.

izumi opened the last cupboard, her eyes immediately finding the popcorn. "found it." she muttered to herself, reaching up to the top shelf. even on her tiptoes, her fingers barely grazed the packet, even when her arm was stretched as far as possible.

just like deja vu, an arm stretched passed her own, taking the young girl by surprise as her arm retracted back to her body, her eyes glancing up at him. felix, who noticed her piercing gaze, turned his head to meet her eyes, their faces only inches apart.

time. ― ꜰᴇʟɪxWhere stories live. Discover now