― twelve.

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"dad, i'm seriously fine, it was only a minor injury." izumi reassured, but her father wasn't having any of it.

"minor injury? izumi, you were strangled and publicly humiliated, why didn't you tell me anything? if i had known that was going to happen then i wouldn't have even let you step foot into that stupid party." her father sighed as he set the stew pot onto the table. 

"it wasn't such a big deal, sooji's been suspended for three days and has detention for two weeks everyday. if anything, she's suffering a lot more than me." izumi shrugged, picking up her chopsticks. 

her father exhaled loudly as he sat across from the girl. "izumi, please be more concerned about yourself. putting yourself before others can be dangerous, especially when that person tried to kill you." izumi nodded her head, understanding where her father was coming from. 

"i'm sorry." she mumbled, feeling bad for causing her father to worry so much. izumi was all her father had left, after her mother and brother passed away, he always made sure that izumi was happy. if she wanted to go out, then he allowed it; if she wanted to buy something then he'd buy it for her; he only wanted the best for izumi.

he never thought that he'd ever get a phone call from the school telling him that his daughter was threatened and strangled. the rush of fear and adrenaline was similar to the day of the accident, when he had heard the news and rushed to the hospital as quick as possible. it was a feeling he hated. the ticking sound was still clear in his head.

"it's okay." her father smiled. "as long as you're alive, it's okay." izumi smiled, nodding her head. he suddenly remembered the boy from last night, that had brought izumi home. "but what were you doing with that boy?"

izumi choked on the soup, surprised by the sudden question. "why are you so flustered? is he your boyfriend?" he questioned as izumi gulped down her water, this time choking on her water at the question.

"b-boyfriend?!" izumi questioned, her voice getting louder without realising. her father raised a questioning eyebrow as she calmed herself down.

time. ― ꜰᴇʟɪxWhere stories live. Discover now